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Convention of States!

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National polling shows massive support for limiting federal power and an Article V convention
October 8, 2024

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Nevada Lieutenant Governor Stavros Anthony Endorses Convention of States
September 25, 2024 

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Convention of States Encounters Monumental Public Support at Iowa State Fair
August 20, 2024

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Congressman Pat Fallon endorses Convention of States
August 6, 2024

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Trump announces COS supporter J.D. Vance as VP
July 15, 2024

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Ohioans Overwhelmingly Support Convention of States to Address National Concerns, According to Recent Poll
June 13, 2024

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Yvette Herrell Endorses Convention of States
May 2, 2024

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VICTORY: Pennsylvania Senate Committee PASSES COS Resolution
April 30, 2024

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Mark Meckler and Rick Green embark on tour to champion courage over status quo in the Wild West
April 18, 2024

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Colorado, Mark Meckler bring COS to the Wild West
April 15, 2024

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All Eyes on Pennsylvania as Convention of States Grassroots Prepare for Capitol Surge Day Event
April 9, 2024

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Pennsylvanians Unite: Overwhelming Bipartisan Support for Convention of States
January 25, 2024

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The Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts Endorses Convention of States to Rein in Federal Government
November 1, 2023

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Oklahoma Congressman Josh Brecheen Endorses Convention of States
October 4, 2023

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Second Simulated Article V Convention Yields Six Amendment Proposals
August 25, 2023

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Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison Endorses Convention of States
August 24, 2023

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July 17, 2023

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Nearly 3/4 of Voters Believe America in a State of Economic and Cultural Decline
June 29, 2023

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80 Percent of Voters Identify Human Trafficking as a Major Problem in the U.S.
June 28, 2023

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Corporate Pride Month Posturing Unpopular with American Public
June 26, 2023

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Less Than 1/3 of Voters Support Ronna McDaniel’s Plan for Republican Presidential Primary Debates
June 26, 2023

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64 Percent of Voters Say Biden Too Old for 2nd Term in White House - Majority want Biden to debate RFK Jr
June 19, 2023

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Majority of American Voters Believe Biden Family Engaged in Pay to Play with Foreign Leaders
June 14, 2023

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COS Action President Mark Meckler Responds to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Call for Article 5 Convention to Add Gun Control Amendment to Constitution
June 9, 2023

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Dissatisfaction with President Biden and D.C. Insiders Driving Support for Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Bid for 2024 Democratic Presidential Nomination
June 6, 2023

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Strong Majority of Faith Voters Want 2024 Presidential Candidates to Prioritize Religious Freedom, Candidates to Express Faith
May 19, 2023

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84% of Faith Voters Support a Strong Relationship Between America and Israel
May 19, 2023

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Vast Majority of American Voters Say Alternative News Media and Podcasts Vital to Keeping Public Informed
May 19, 2023

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Strong Majority of Faith Voters Believe Christians Should Hold Firm in Their Traditional Beliefs
May 19, 2023

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60 Percent Majority Opposed to Raising Debt Ceiling Without Spending Cuts
May 16, 2023

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Nearly 90 Percent Concerned About Dangerous Drugs Flooding Across Southern Border
May 2, 2023

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As Trump Era Immigration Rule Expires Next Month, Voters Pick Human Trafficking as Worst Outcome of Failure to Secure Southern Border
April 24, 2023

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87% Hold Feds Responsible for Southern Border Crisis but Nearly 70% Believe Washington Won’t Fix It
April 20, 2023

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Nearly 80 Percent of American Voters Support Boycotting Chinese-Made Products in Response to Aggressive Behavior of Chinese Communist Party
March 30, 2023

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Michael Farris, co-founder of Convention of States, returns as Senior Advisor
Mark 27, 2023

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Nearly 3/4 of Voters Believe Trump Arrest Won’t Affect or Could Even Help 2024 Bid
March 27, 2023

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Poll: 61% of Voters Believe Any GOP Presidential Candidate Would be More Effective in Handling Growing China Threat Than President Biden
March 9, 2023

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Plurality of Voters Believe World War III is Imminent
March 8, 2023

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Poll: 58 Percent of Voters Want President Biden to be More Aggressive in Leading Global Efforts to Contain China  
March 6, 2023

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Poll: Nearly 75% of Voters Want Federal and State Governments to Cut Business and Investment Ties with Chinese Companies
March 1, 2023

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President, Convention of States

Mark Meckler is the President of Convention of States Foundation & Convention of States Action (COSA). COSA has over 5 million supporters and activists, representing every state legislative district in the nation. Mark appears regularly on television, radio and online discussing the conservative grassroots perspective on political issues.

Before COSA, Mark was the Co-Founder of Tea Party Patriots. He left the organization in 2012 to implement this constitutional solution to take power from DC and return it to the sovereign citizens of the states. Mark has a B.A. from SDSU and a law degree from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He practiced law for two decades.

From February 2021 to May 2021 Mark served as the Interim CEO at Parler to help bring the free speech social media company back online and equip it for a strong future. Meckler said, “It was an honor to serve in this capacity in the fight for free speech in America.”

Mark and Patty have been married more than 28 years. They have two grown children and reside in central Texas.


Senior Advisor, Convention of States

Michael Farris is a Senior Advisor to Convention of States and co-founded the organization with Mark Meckler. He is largely known for his work in constitutional appellate litigation, religious freedom, and homeschool advocacy.

After years of success in the COS movement, God called Mike back to defending religious freedom, human life, and the family. Mike left Convention of States in 2017 to serve as the President, CEO and General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, the world’s premiere defender of religious liberty. 

Mike was the founding president of both the Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College. He has argued before the appellate courts of 13 states, eight federal circuit courts of appeals, and twice before the Supreme Court of the United States.

Following five years of dedicated work with ADF, Mike returned to Convention of States to help push the Article V solution over the finish line. With his dignified commitment to liberty and preserving the fundamental rights of the Constitution, he joined the COS team again in 2023.

Mike and his wife Vickie have 10 children and many grandchildren.


Senior Advisor, Convention of States

Rick Santorum is Senior Advisor for Convention of States. Sen. Santorum was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2012 and 2016 – winning the 2012 Iowa caucuses, 10 additional states and nearly 4 million votes. Prior to his campaigns for president, Rick served two terms in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, where he gained a reputation as one of the nation’s leading government reformers, pro-life advocates, and national security experts. 

Rick Santorum is the author of the 2005 New York Times bestseller It Takes a Family, American Patriots: Answering the Call to Freedom, and Blue Collar Conservatives: Recommitting to an America that Works. Rick and his wife Karen are also the co-authors of Bella’s Gift that chronicles the inspiring story of life with the Santorums’ special-needs youngest child. Bella’s miraculous life has only strengthened Rick and Karen’s belief in the dignity of each and every life. Rick and Karen are the parents of seven children including Bella: Elizabeth, John, Daniel, Sarah Maria, Peter, and Patrick.





Chief Medical Advisor, Convention of States

Dr. Jeffrey Barke is the Chief Medical Advisor to Convention of States and founding member of America's Frontline Doctors. He is the author of COVID-19, A Physician's Take on the Exaggerated Fear of Corona Virus.

He is a board certified primary care physician in private practice for over 25 years, served as an Associate Clinical Professor at U.C. Irvine, and as a board member of the Orange County Medical Association. Dr. Barke was recently commissioned as an officer in the US Army Reserve Medical Corps and is also a reserve deputy and a tactical physician for a local law enforcement SWAT team.

Dr. Barke served as an elected school board member for the Los Alamitos Unified School District for 12 years and is the co-founder and current school board chair of a free public charter school in Orange, CA called Orange County Classical Academy that uses Hillsdale College’s curriculum.


The Convention of States organization boasts a grassroots network of over 5 million supporters and volunteers, representing every state legislative district in the nation. Its mission is to restore a culture of self-governance in America and to curtail federal overreach. COSA’s primary focus in accomplishing this mission is using a limited Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments that impose limitations on the size and scope of the federal government, including a balanced budget requirement and term limits for federal officials. 

Prominent endorsers include Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Senator Rand Paul, Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sean Hannity, Senator Ben Sasse, Dr. James Dobson, Pete Hegseth, and Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Click here to get involved!

Physicians for COS

The diagnosis is clear.

We have a growing cancer today known as the Obamacare. As a result physicians are no longer free to practice medicine.

No profession feels the full force of the federal government more than physicians. The medical profession is the most highly regulated profession in the United States. The practice of medicine is controlled, taxed, and regulated to the point of being destroyed by the heavy hand of the federal government.

Physicians are told how to bill, how much to charge, and how to treat patients. They are mandated to use expensive electronic medical records. The federally enacted HIPPA (Health Information Privacy and Portability Act) makes the communication between physicians and atients burdensome, inefficient,and expensive. Every physician is required by federal mandate to register with the government to obtain an NPI (national provider identifier.) We are required by federal law to obtain and pay for a license to prescribe medication through the DEA, which is separate from our state licensure.

This heavy hand of government not only oversees the largest federal health bureaucracy ever created, but by extension reaches into every state, every city, and every small town to regulate how every licensed physician practices the art of medicine and how citizens obtain care.

The treatment is also clear.

The prescription for a cure was written into our constitution by our founders. Article V of our constitution allows for the states to call for a convention of states to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government through the proposal of constitutional amendments. Physicians should be the strongest supporters of this brilliantly-crafted states’ rights tool placed into our constitution by our founders.

I urge my fellow American physicians to join with me in supporting an Article V Convention of States to take back control of the practice of medicine. It’s the only way that we can return the practice of medicine back to the intimate relationship between a doctor and patient without interference by the heavy hand of a distant, national government.

Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. Family Physician Newport Beach, CA
Convention of states action

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