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Convention of States!

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Talking to People - Building the Army

Published in Blog on June 11, 2023 by Irv Karwick

Members of the Convention of States team are familiar with the slogan “Building the Army”. Its meaning is very clear. To my surprise, I recently discovered how easy it can be to add Patriots to our ranks and build the Army.

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The Debt Deceit

Published in Blog on June 05, 2023 by Benjamin Vincent

We must have this conversation outside of Washington. I know the people of America who love their country want to see us prosperous.

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Strawberry Fields...Forever?

Published in Blog on May 09, 2023 by Rachel Itabashi-Campbell

As I watch skyrocketing prices and emptier shelves in grocery stores, I can’t help but think about what it would be like to tell future generations how affluent and strong America once was.

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Blind Obedience Is for Dogs - Not Humans

Published in Blog on May 04, 2023 by Jen Le Blanc Mieler

As humans though, and citizens of a free nation, we were not meant for blind obedience. We were made to reason and to question. We were made to right wrongs and to advocate for truth.

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One Man's COS Journey

Published in Blog on April 18, 2023 by Brian Eakin

George Moorman stands as a citizen official who serves in the difficult act of governance as a public servant who gives of their time and then returns to the ranks of the people they served.

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