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Talking to People - Building the Army

Published in Blog on June 11, 2023 by Irv Karwick

Members of the Convention of States team are familiar with the slogan “Building the Army”. Its meaning is very clear. To my surprise, I recently discovered how easy it can be to add Patriots to our ranks and build the Army.

While attending a recent out-of-town family wedding, I had the opportunity to see and visit with family and friends that I rarely get to see. In situations like this, it is not unusual to have superficial type conversations.

This event was different.

During the course of the weekend, I had time to talk with people in greater depth. During the exchanges I had with people, I decided to discuss my involvement with Convention of States Action. Somewhat surprisingly, no one I spoke to had ever heard of COS. After a brief explanation, each person took a liking to the Convention of States story and gave curiously serious consideration to what I was saying. The topic of term limits for members of Congress was the hands-down winner with those I spoke with and the conversation left had an impact.

On the way back home, I realized something. I was “building the army” and it was very easy. So if you have any doubts or a reluctant to discuss COS, get ready to be surprised. A casual conversation discussing the Convention of States objectives will make a difference and help build the army.   

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