Grassroots activism doesn’t always earn individuals a major spotlight but it’s where the true impact happens.
State teams across the nation prepare for spring surge events all year long, which offer an opportunity to connect with legislators in person at state capitols.
COS Illinois recently held its annual Surge Day in Springfield after preparing for several weeks. The team prepped petitions for all 177 districts, wrote personal letters to deliver to each legislator, and stuffed informational packets with engaging literature.
When the day arrived, 43 COS activists showed up to meet with state lawmakers regarding the Article V solution – and their hard work paid off. The team scored several impromptu meetings and added 21 co-sponsors to House Joint Resolution 3 calling for an Article V convention.
“The IL COS team was energized as 43 Patriots from the team converged in Springfield, IL, and had about 20 face-to-face meetings with legislators,” said State Director David Winters. “In all, 177 info packets were distributed and we picked up 21 co-sponsors to HJR 3!”
Many other state teams have held huge surge events in recent weeks as well. Nearly 100 activists showed up at the Capitol in Connecticut and over 140 COS activists in Pennsylvania went to the Capitol in Harrisburg to talk with legislators. Additionally, the New York team recently had 15 appointments at the Capitol, signed on five new sponsors, met with current sponsors, and educated new legislators on COS.
Other COS rallies have taken place at state capitols across the nation, including Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Every honorable patriot developing personal connections with state legislators has made the decision to act. Sitting back and talking about the detrimental effects coming out of the D.C. swamp is never going to produce results.
Spring is a busy time for COS to reach out and spread the word in local communities. Whether there’s a car show, gun show, or fair, COS activists make their presence known. When an Article V convention is officially called, we can thank these behind-the-scenes patriots for their on-the-ground dedication to saving our nation.
You can join your state in the fight for freedom. Click here to take action, and sign the petition below to show your support for the state teams.