By Van W. Walter Louisiana SCW
On Monday, April 10, 2023, the Louisiana Baton Rouge local team met at the East Baton Rouge Main Library to pack the legislator gift bags with the items in the picture below. The gift bags were packed for Louisiana Advocacy Day on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.
Gift Bag
COS Louisiana Team Members in the Senate Chambers waiting to be recognized.
Advocacy Day is the day the Louisiana Convention of States team meets at the Capitol rotunda to greet and thank our Louisiana representatives and state senators. It’s an exciting day that occurs every year when the new legislative session begins. We gathered as a team and set up COS tables with information, posters, handbooks, pens, pins, and handouts explaining the virtues of the country’s largest grassroots army.
We met with the public and our state representatives and senators to educate them on Article V of the U.S. Constitution, which gives power to “We the People.” Everyone is welcome to stop by our tables, sign a petition in support of Convention of States, ask questions, and learn more.
Forty-three legislators stopped by and gave their support. Six of them signed our petition in support of our objectives. There were 31 COS volunteers in attendance. The volunteers came from all over the state. We had a great time meeting our old friends and our new volunteer friends. Everyone gathered to set up our tables and support each other in making the day a success. Brenda Karlin, our very supportive Regional Director, came as she always does and supported and thanked us all for doing a great job putting this together. We owe a special thanks to Julie Sandifer, our Louisiana State Director for planning this event.
We were all surprised when Brenda and Julie presented volunteers with awards. COS pins were given to Alice Quaid and Bobby Mills. Clay Chauviere, Kathryn Slavich, and Van Walter were presented with COS Patriot pins, and our Legislative Liason, Dale Clary, received the prestigious Challenge Coin. Congratulations to the award winners.
During the day, we visited with each other, expressing our desires to save this nation. We ended the event with some volunteers meeting at the City Café where we continued our discussion of the day's events.
Until next year, keep up the teamwork and the actions necessary to save our country. God bless every one of you for your dedication.