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2023 Oklahoma COS Capital Surge

Published in Blog on February 09, 2023 by Susie McCleskey

Twenty four patriots from around the state of Oklahoma gathered on February 7th at the Oklahoma State Capitol for our yearly Capitol Surge to meet with our representatives and/or Senators. Our goal was to offer support for legislation we believe will contribute to Oklahoma's independence from federal overreach and to answer any questions they might have regarding an Article V Convention of States.

Before meeting with legislators, we met to discuss some of the bills we support which will be addressed during this legislative session.

We support

1) Senate Bill 120, the repeal of the "ERIC" bill, passed in 2021, which allows for voter information to be shared across states;

2) Senate Bill 863 which provides for a 10-year plan to wean Oklahoma off of federal education funds;

3) Senate Bill 887, a medical rights of conscience bill that will allow family members' wishes to be considered in the care of their loved ones; and

4) House Joint Resolution 1017, a companion bill to the Article V COS bill authorizing a delegation of commissioners to attend and participate in gatherings of the states in addition to other roles they would play in proposing amendments as well as prohibiting unauthorized amendments.

Stan May from House District 8 spoke to our group regarding a landowner rights bill that will hopefully be introduced this session that will shut down the purchase of land by China and the cartels who are buying so much land in Oklahoma right now, making illegal drugs a high-dollar business. He also mentioned a food/grocery tax repeal act that is definitely on the table and will probably be addressed this session.

Senator Chuck Hall from District 20, Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, talked about passing a balanced budget amendment and pointed out that this is the Oklahoma Constitution's only obligation. With his banking background, this topic is near and dear to his heart.

Sen Rob Standridge, District 15, author of the Oklahoma Article V resolution, spoke to us about his continuing fight against porn in school libraries.

The Oklahoma COS team hopes to have a presence in the Capitol this session with an information table where legislators and the public can find information about the Article V Convention of States and ask questions of a representative from our team. If you can volunteer for that task, please contact Becky Wolfe.

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