On February 23, 2023, State COS Leaders, District Captains, Regional Directors, petition signers, and volunteers from around the state gathered at the Capitol in Jackson. Some had only seen one another on Zoom calls before. Others got to meet their legislators for the first time.
Highlights of the surge included a fantastic rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner by Jacqueline V. Coleman, a tour of the Capitol building, and an award ceremony.
Representative Dan Eubanks and Senator Angela Burks Hill were both honored with the Convention of States Special Service Award.
After thanking everyone, Representative Eubanks explained why he supports COS. He said that D.C. has become so corrupt and so powerful that it couldn’t fix itself even if it wanted to. Convention of States, he continued, gives us an avenue for the people through their state legislatures to rise up and take matters into their own hands.
Senator Hill thanked all of the petition signers and volunteers. She then talked about the time that she participated in the COS simulated convention in Colonial Williamsburg. She saw firsthand the dedication and hard work the participants brought to the process and came away even more convinced that a COS is the solution big enough for our problems.
At 10 a.m., everyone took a seat in the Senate gallery and was recognized by the Senate after they gaveled in.
For most, the day ended with lunch. SIA Kevin Bullard was honored for his tireless help in preparing the lists of petition signers for the legislators. Several volunteers told how they had come to support COS and Regional Director Jonathan Viaud gave a national update on all things Convention of States.
A few stayed until the afternoon and were recognized in the Gallery of the House of Representatives.
This year’s surge brought almost three times the volunteers as last year’s. Additionally, several new legislators came to the booth to show their support of COS.
Mississippi COS Team Celebrates a Successful Surge
Published in Blog on March 13, 2023 by Jon Armstrong