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to call for a

Convention of States!



Historic Invasion of America

Published in Blog on March 17, 2024 by Daniel Villamar

West Virginia patriots must become increasingly active at all levels of state, county, and city governments, communicating COS priorities to representatives, and following their votes and actions

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WV COS Surge

Published in Blog on January 23, 2024 by Barbara Thomas

Grassroots activism is a critical component in bringing back self-governance.

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Commonsense vs. AI

Published in Blog on January 11, 2024 by Michael Dempsey

With the close of 2023, a year that will go down in infamy, to say the least for its continued spiraling into the abyss of national dysfunction.

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Bureaucracy 101

Published in Blog on November 04, 2023 by Michael Dempsey

Some unelected minion decided to reverse the Obama administration’s decision that granted the Romeike family indefinite deferred status and deport them.

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taproot, Marshalling Liberty

Published in Blog on June 14, 2023 by Barbara Thomas

Since our great Republic was established, internal forces have strived to dilute our great heritage and crumble our great experiment.

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The Promise of America

Published in Blog on April 05, 2023 by Michael Dempsey

... the word democracy cannot be found in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or any other of the founders documents. The preponderance of democracy’s use, in the lexicon of ever evolving terms used in the media today, would have a master of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, smiling.

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Convention of states action

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