On January 15, 2024, COS volunteers and grassroots surged in Charleston, WV, to meet with legislators and patrons to talk about an Article V Convention of States.
Legislators stopped by the booth and expressed their continuing support for this effort. Our COS Resolution was passed in both Chambers on March 4, 2022, after an overwhelming vote in the House, and, within the hour, passed by a voice vote in the Senate! The years of work, educating and showing up for the sessions paid off in this landmark passage.
Packets for all legislators were delivered, and about 17 legislators found time to talk to our volunteers, despite their busy schedules of meetings and hearings. Our volunteers listened to the legislators about their goals for this session and discussed bills that they would like to see moved.
Grassroots activism is a critical component in bringing back self-governance, so join our team, please sign the petition, click here and learn how to get more involved!
WV COS Surge
Published in Blog on January 23, 2024 by Barbara Thomas