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Bureaucracy 101

Published in Blog on November 04, 2023 by Michael Dempsey

The 4th and most powerful branch of the government, the bureaucracy, is at it again. 

According to this article, The Wrong Kind of Asylum Seekers, Nate Jackson, The Patriot Post 9/26/23, a German family faces deportation despite homeschooling here in the U.S. for the last 15 years.

Some unelected minion decided to reverse the Obama administration’s decision that granted the Romeike family indefinite deferred status and deport them. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike emigrated from Germany in 2008, to be able to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany.   They have lived in East Tennessee since then and the family has seven children, two are American-born children, and two adult children married U.S. citizens.

The Romeikes were told during a routine check-in at their local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office that they had four weeks to secure passports and return to Germany. The news came without warning, and with no apparent cause or explanation.  

Meanwhile, based on what “news” article you read there are a total number of illegal aliens in the US that equals the entire population of 15 states.  

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), on Oct 25, 2023, in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing asked a series of simple questions about some current illegal immigration statistics to four bureaucrats in positions of authority testifying about the “Ensuring the Safety and Well Being of Unaccompanied Children”.

Namely, Cardell Morant, Assistant Director, Homeland Security Investigations; Seema Nanda Solicitor of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor; Robin Dunn Marcos, Director, Office of Refugee Resettlement, HHS; and Joseph Salazar, Director for Central American Affairs for the State Dept.

Not one of these heavyweights could answer Kennedy’s opening question of “How many non-American citizens have come into our country illegally, or on the basis of a claim of asylum?” Not one.  

As Sen. Kennedy noted, “None of you know?  Isn’t that special.”

Wouldn’t knowing the number of illegals be necessary for their overall decisions on policy regarding immigration?  Not for a bureaucrat.  I will guarantee you they know where the executive bathroom is, what time their opulent lunch is served and how much they get paid. 

In 1969, I read a book by Laurence J. Peter called “The Peter Principle”, which succinctly explains how a bureaucracy is created.  Paraphrasing his principle, it is…” sooner or later everyone is promoted to their level of incompetence”.  It is how bureaucracies are built.  Once someone is clearly incompetent, they are moved to the side, given a desk, a title and then they spend the rest of their career trying to justify their concocted position.

These four bureaucrats in this committee meeting are the personification of this principle. They don’t know basic numbers and claim to be clueless.

Apparently, the unexplained rationale of the bureaucracy, regarding the Romeikes family, is that because the German law applies to everyone, it doesn’t count as religious persecution, so it is going to court.  

The good news is they are being represented by Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), the largest homeschool advocacy group in the United States.

Nevertheless, this is an example of how unelected, unknown, and essentially unaccountable bureaucrats can run rampant over the citizenry of the US.  Shielded by the SEIU, government employees union, they are basically bulletproof, and they know it.
The only remedy for this abusive power is an Article V Convention of the States to help reign in this behemoth of a government running wild.
If you want more information on how this realistic and practical solution works, visit Convention of States to sign the petition and learn how you can get involved and help restore our Republic.

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