If you took the time to listen to Tucker Carlson’s remarks at the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Heritage Foundation, you may have noticed that he has no allegiance, nor respect, for the Republican party.
Which leads me to think, as I have several times in the past few years, we really need a third party with some clout to challenge the corruption in our government, and more specifically, the unelected bureaucracy.
And the fact there is no credible third party currently is a testament to the corruption, and quasi-nepotism, of the two- party system. The Congress, of two parties, crafted the campaign finance laws, many years ago, to effectively exclude a viable third party.
Which leads us to the conundrum of the common man. These are the citizens who play by the rules, get an education, such as it may be in today’s education system, get married, get a job or start a small business, have kids, buy houses, coach their kids ball teams, go to church and in general chase the fading, if not lost, Norman Rockwell version of the “American Dream”. (For that matter most of them don’t know who Norman Rockwell was, much less what his America was like.) Most of them don’t pay attention to politics because they are too busy surviving. They do know, way down deep inside, that what they are living and witnessing is not right. Unfortunately, because they are honest and law abiding, they assume (in today’s world erroneously) that the people they trust with the affairs of government are too. That belief allows them to live their lives, and hopefully, but again erroneously, be left alone to enjoy life…a very libertarian philosophy by the way.
The Rev. Franklin Graham also wrote in Jan. 2015: “The American dream ended on November 6th, 2012, in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled, and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.”
So here we are, as Obama promised, “fundamentally changed”. He is continuing with that change behind the scenes in this administration.
Rev. Graham also astutely noted, supported by: “A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" (whom) have ended Norman Rockwell’s America. You will never again out-vote these people.”
The 2020 election was a fulfillment of that prediction.
Therefore, once the common man is smacked in the face with the absurdity of a government run amuck with policies and agendas that are ridiculous, not only in concepts but solutions, where do they turn? There is no alternative to a two-party system that has a strangle hold on their choices at the ballot box.
Hence, we find an inordinate number of people who register as “Independent”, or some other non-committed label basically, but not wholly, so they are not inundated with political flyers and literature during election season. They have found that neither political party represents them and their beliefs and desires for their families. They want to be able to sift through the rhetoric and find someone they believe is rational and honest.
As George Washington warned us in 1796, during his farewell speech: "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
Is there a solution to this strangle hold the two parties have on the electoral process? Yes, there is. An Article V convention that addresses fiscal responsibility in government could very well address the blatant rules and laws that govern how parties are financed, thereby allowing for more choices on the ballot.
The bottom line is…people feel helpless, “knowing” neither choice on the ballot represents their beliefs and desires.
For more information on an Article V Convention of States, to sign the petition and get involved, click here.
Third Party
Published in Blog on May 07, 2023 by Michael Dempsey