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to call for a

Convention of States!

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Our Oath does not Expire

Published in Blog on March 14, 2024 by Mark Leet

My Name is Mark Leet, I am the current WV VCD (Veteran Coalition Director). I spent just 2 months shy of 37 years in the Navy, retiring in 2016 as a Master Chief Boatswains Mate/Master Diver. After retirement I served as a Merchant Captain on the St Lawerence Seaway, retiring for good in Almost Heaven in the spring of 2021.

I started this volunteer role in COS as I think our country is in a huge mess, neither party delivers results for “We the People” they only serve to better themselves (in my humble opinion) COS may be the only viable option to propose real reform. I understand we’re a passed State, however if we take a back seat now, all could be for naught!

I am writing to introduce myself and to encourage you to “Stay in the Fight” please let your State representatives know you’re still here and watching them, you’d be surprised how effective an email, phone call etc. can be! Especially from a Veteran! We are fortunate to live in State that still respects and Honors Veterans, as well as still respecting and honoring the U.S. Constitution!


Please feel free to contact me ANYTIME!!!


Thank You! God Bless AMERICA! 

Mark Leet

My email is: 

Cell: 304-621-3241

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