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to call for a

Convention of States!



South Dakota Action Page

Published in Hottest on November 17, 2022 by South Dakota Convention of States

Term limits on Congress? A return of fiscal sanity to the federal government? Reducing the influence of federal agencies over way of life in South Dakota? - Convention of States is the only solution bold enough to have any hope of accomplishing these goals.<br/><br/>Red states are lining up to reform the dysfunction in D.C., but they a...

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South Dakota Has Rules

Published in Hottest on May 03, 2022 by David P Schneider

I have heard it too often that there are no rules for a convention of states. In fact this law prohibits any delegate from participating in any discussion that would invalidate a one state - one vote provision. It also spells out recalling delegates at such a meeting and replacing with alternate delegates.

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COSA is proud to announce Dr. Matthew Zale has accepted the privilege to lead the PA grassroots team!

Published in Blog Hottest Spread the Word on May 29, 2024 by COSA PA Comms Team

COSA is excited to announce that after a long and extensive search we have found the perfect canidate to fill the role of Pennsylvania State Director.<br/><br/>Dr. Matthew Zale has gracously accepted the responsibility to lead the grassroots volunteers to make Pennsylvania the 20th state to pass the COS resolution.

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Convention of states action

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