COSA is excited to announce that after a long and extensive search, we have found the perfect candidate to fill the role of Pennsylvania State Director.
Dr. Matthew Zale has graciously accepted the responsibility to lead the grassroots volunteers to make Pennsylvania the next state to pass the COS resolution.
Dr. Zale has been involved with COSA PA as an active volunteer since July 2015, when he signed the petition, volunteered his talents, and became the 4,250th petition signer in Pennsylvania. He has served this team in many leadership positions. He has attended numerous meetings, events, and rallies to spread our positive unifying message: THERE IS A SOLUTION AS BIG AS THE PROBLEM.
Matt took Mark Levin's advice to get up and do something and hasn't regretted a moment since. He started to read about America's founding and rekindled his interest in our American principles and how they stem from Holy Scripture.
Matt lives by the axiom: If knowledge is power, then speech is its conduit to exciting movement.
Let's all get behind Matt and push the resolutions over the finish line!