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to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Resources

Presentation for Audience New to COS

Published in Volunteer Resources on October 25, 2023 by Roger Gibb

This is an introductory presentation on COS. It is designed for an audience that is relatively naive to COS.

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COS Presentation for Those Influenced by JBS

Published in Volunteer Resources on October 25, 2023 by Roger Gibb

This presentation provides an introduction to COS. It is designed for an audience that has been negatively influenced by the John Birch Society, but is still open-minded.

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Wisconsin Convention of States Volunteer Leader Spotlight: Randy Zich

Published in Blog Parent Page Grassroots Library Process Volunteer Resources Solution Spread the Word on August 07, 2023 by Badger Patriot

It is our distinct pleasure to shine the Volunteer Leader spotlight on Mr. Randy Zich <br/>Randy, has cheerfully worked a event at the Cudahy Library earlier in the week. He is a new Volunteer Activist with Wisconsin Convention of States. Randy also went block walking with Sam Carrao and Art Binhack recently. Thanks Randy for...

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NC Blank Letterhead

Published in Volunteer Resources on July 31, 2023 by Lana Witt

This document can be used to write handwritten letters to senator and house reps about the COS resolution.

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Convention of states action

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