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to call for a

Convention of States!



Convention of States – A Non-partisan Approach

Published in FAQ Blog on March 20, 2023 by Erik Van Geel

There are many voices who are trying to attribute this effort to a specific corner of the political spectrum, but when objectively looking at the proposed amendments, there really is nothing partisan (or conspiratorial, even) about it.

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LMS 2021 Calendar Year Session Update

Published in FAQ on December 31, 2021 by Anne Aycock

1. Jan 1 – new 2021 Calendar Year Session

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2020 Convention of States Impact Report

Published in FAQ on July 15, 2021 by Kyle Key

Convention of States Impact Report Summer 2020

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Article V Convention of States Citizen's Pocket Guide,...

Published in FAQ Grassroots Library Volunteer Resources on June 22, 2021 by Kyle Key

This fact-filled resource is the perfect tool for talking to friends and legislators about Convention of States. It answer commonly-asked questions about the Article V process, answers objections, provides possible amendment subjects, provides ways to get involved, and more! Updated June 22, 2021

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Published in FAQ Process on September 09, 2021 by Convention Of States Project

This document provides answers to many frequently asked questions about the Convention of States process and dispels myths and objections to the grassroots movement.

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