Happy Monday, patriots!
As we jump into a brand-new week in the fight for liberty, you won’t want to miss these essential headlines from last week’s news cycle. Listen to these stories here, on the latest episode of The Liberty Update, or read them below.
1. Montana leaves American Library Association over ‘Marxist lesbian’ president-elect
Montana’s State Library Commission voted on Tuesday to leave the American Library Association (ALA) in backlash against the organization’s incoming president’s radical, Marxist views.
President-elect Emily Drabinski, who takes office later this month, came under heavy fire for a tweet in which she described herself as a “Marxist lesbian.”
Learn more here.
2. Ohio legislators introduce Convention of States Resolution
Ohio Convention of States activists are making moves in the statehouse!
The COS Application has been officially introduced in the Ohio House as HJR 3 by Representatives Riordan McClain and Bernard Willis, along with 21 co-sponsors. The application is now active in the 2023-2024 session and a committee assignment is pending, meaning discussion, debate, and votes are to come.
Read the rest of this important report here.
3. REPORT: Fauci may be forced to pay back 2022 salary
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s term as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases officially ended on December 12, 2021. But according to a new report, the doctor, who didn’t retire until December 31, 2022, may have overstayed his welcome.
Learn more here.
4. Confidence in U.S. gov’t is ‘free-falling'
As Americans celebrated Independence Day, they did so with shrinking confidence in today’s government, data from Gallup suggests.
Click here to read the rest of this story.
Thank you for catching up on your need-to-know news with us. Be sure to follow the Convention of States blog for other important headlines and Convention of States' daily podcast for updates on all things COS.
The Liberty Update. Catch up on your need-to-know news.
Published in Blog on July 17, 2023 by Jakob Fay