As Americans celebrated Independence Day, they did so with shrinking confidence in today’s government, data from Gallup suggests.
Just 31% of Americans are confident in the U.S. government, compared to 46% in 2020 at the start of the Covid-19 emergency. The majority of Americans haven’t trusted their government since 2009 when a mere 50% maintained trust in the nation's leadership.
When Gallup first started the poll in 2006, confidence stood at a high 56%, which has never been reached since. As such, Gallup reported this week that confidence in the U.S. government continues to 'free fall.'
“The U.S. has seen a sharp decline in the public’s confidence in the national government over the past couple of years,” Gallup wrote. “This is on par with the lowest rates of confidence measured in the U.S. government since Gallup started tracking it globally in 2006 -- with the other lows measured in 2013, 2016 and 2018 under former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.”
Of the G7 nations, citizens in America and the United Kingdom hold the least amount of trust in their governments. However, confidence was highest in both countries in 2006, indicating a huge change in public perception.
While confidence in the U.S. government continues to shrink, support for COS continues to rise. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now in favor of holding an Article V convention to address the mounting issues in the excessively powerful federal government.
SEE ALSO: Delaware Senate Introduces COS Resolution
The government’s inability to work for the American people isn’t a perception split by political affiliation. The majority of both Republicans and Democrats support using Article V as provided by the Founders.
It's time to rein in the federal government through term limits and balanced budget amendments. We the People have the power to change the D.C. playing field. Support COS by signing the petition below.