Montana’s State Library Commission voted on Tuesday to leave the American Library Association (ALA) in backlash against the organization’s incoming president’s radical, Marxist views.
President-elect Emily Drabinski, who takes office later this month, came under heavy fire for a tweet in which she described herself as a “Marxist lesbian.”
In an interview, Drabinski criticized right-wing media for seizing on the tweet, saying, “It's very much who I am and shapes a lot of how I think about social change and making a difference in the world. But of course, I tweeted it into the middle of an extremely fractured society. One where we have the rise of an extremist right that has come for everything that I care about.”
This so-called “extremist right” has sounded the alarm about many of the incoming president’s LGBTQ+ ideologies. In addition to being a self-described Marxist, Drabinski has also openly promoted putting “inappropriate, sexually explicit material” into K-12 libraries.
Moreover, she accused concerned parents of supporting “right-wing censors” and believing in conspiracy theories.
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In light of her controversial agenda, many parents objected to Drabinksi’s leading the American Library Association, a national organization that helps set library catalogs. Parental rights activists, including Cheryl Tusken, director of Montana’s Parents' Rights in Education, spoke out in favor of separating from the Association.
“I think this is a really good move to send a really clear signal to our national organizations that we are not in agreement with the direction they are taking these organizations,” Tusken told the commission.
Ultimately, the board voted 5-1-1 in favor of withdrawing from ALA, proving that the states have leverage against radical federal agendas.
Unfortunately, more than 50,000 librarians, publishers, etc. nationwide are part of ALA, meaning many other libraries will likely be impacted by Emily Drabinski’s radical, Marxist ideology.
It’s time for parents to step up and reaffirm that they have the final say in their children’s education—not the state, and certainly not a “Marxist lesbian.” It’s a question of: “Who decides?”
To bring power back to the states, closer to home, sign the Convention of States petition below.
Montana leaves American Library Association over ‘Marxist lesbian’ president-elect
Published in Blog on July 12, 2023 by Jakob Fay