While many modern leaders have officially endorsed our Convention of States movement, there is an impressive list of historic American statesmen who have favored the calling of an Article V Convention of States to expand liberty or likewise supported the existence of the process itself for that purpose.
Ronald Reagan
Many know that President Reagan was a longtime supporter of a constitutional amendment to contain runaway federal spending. Records show that President Reagan favored an Article V Convention of States to get the job done.
"It is clear that we must rely on the states to force Congress to act. . . Fortunately, our Nation’s Founders gave us the means to amend the Constitution through action of state legislatures..."
Antonin Scalia
Recently-uncovered, riveting footage of Antonin Scalia reveal he was a passionate supporter of calling an Article V Convention of States to rein in Congress and the Supreme Court. Click here to watch more clips and read the transcript.
Dwight Eisenhower
In 1963 the 34th President of the United States made an incredibly articulate case for calling an Article V Convention of States.
"Through their state legislatures and without regard to the federal government, the people can...adopt such amendments as will reverse any trends they see as fatal to true representative government. If you and your generation...with the spirit of our founders, decide that reformation of a radical kind becomes due - then I say, let nothing stop you!"
Click here for the full transcript.
Milton Friedman
The Nobel-winning economist wrote extensively about the need for an Article V Convention of States in his book Free to Choose, outlining several amendment ideas that would unleash the American economy.
In this speech Milton Friedman advocates in favor of an Article V convention to put limits on federal spending and taxation.
Abraham Lincoln
President Lincoln was a big fan of the Article V process, leading the charge for the 13th Amendment. In his First Inaugural Address, he mentions his preference that the amendment come through an Article V Convention of States.
"The convention mode [of proposing amendments] seems preferable in that it allows the amendments to originate with the people themselves..." -First Inaugural Address
Thomas Jefferson
"The ultimate arbiter is the people of the Union, assembled by their deputies in convention, at the call of Congress, or of two-thirds of the States." -Letter to William Johnson
James Madison
"[Article V] equally enables the general and the state governments to originate the amendment of errors, as they may be pointed out by the experience on one side, or on the other." -Federalist 43
"The final resort within the purview of the Constitution lies in an amendment of the Constitution, according to a process applicable by the states." -Letter to Edward Everett
"...an ulterior resort is provided in amendments attainable by an intervention of the states, which may better adapt the Constitution for the purposes of its creation." -Letter to M.L. Hulbert
George Washington
"If in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates." -Farewell Address
Samuel Jones
"[It] could not be known to the framers of the constitution, whether there was too much power given by it or too little; they therefore prescribed a mode by which Congress might procure more, if in the operation of the government it was found necessary; and they prescribed for the states a mode of restraining the powers of the government, if upon trial it should be found they had given too much." -Ratifying Debates
Tench Coxe
". . . two thirds of the states can always procure a general convention for the purpose of amending the constitution, and that three fourths of them can introduce those amendments into the constitution, although the President, Senate and Federal House of Representatives, should be unanimously opposed to each and all of them." -Ratifying Debates
Alexander Hamilton
"By the fifth article of the plan...we may safely rely on the disposition of the state legislatures to erect barriers against the encroachments of the national authority." -Federalist 85