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"An Article V convention is closer than anyone realizes": Anti-Article V groups ramp up attacks

Published in Blog on March 06, 2020 by Article V Patriot

The far-left activist group Common Cause has ramped up its efforts to block the nationwide grassroots movement to call an Article V Convention of States.

We've covered their campaigns before, but now it looks like they're taking things to a new level.

They've launched an organization they're calling "Defend Our Constitution," which purports to represent "nearly 250 organizations at the national, state, and local level that are committed to protecting every Americans’ constitutional and civil rights by stopping a special interest driven dangerous Article V convention."

Those organizations are the same George Soros-funded, radical leftist organizations that we've uncovered in the past. They include groups like the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Daily Kos, Greenpeace USA, NAACP, National Council of La Raza Action Fund, Sierra Club, People For the American Way, Democracy 21, large national unions like the Service Employees International Unionand the AFL-CIO, Emily's List, and Planned Parenthood.

Mark Meckler and Mark Levin addressed these groups and their dishonest motivations in a segment on the Mark Levin Show.

Common Cause claims to be a nonpartisan group working to "hold power accountable," but their rhetoric and initiatives prove their radical progressive agenda.

They refer to "Trump and his cronies" in their coverage of the Mueller Report, for example, and in just the last few days they've posted tweets attacking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Senate GOP, and Attorney General William Barr.

What's more, Influence Watch describes Common Cause like this:

Common Cause describes itself as “a nonpartisan, grassroots organization..." In practice, the group opposes Republican politicians, Republican-nominated judges, Republican-backed efforts to ensure the integrity of voter rolls, and generally Republican redistricting efforts.

The fact that this group is mobilizing against the Convention of States effort shows just how scared they really are. They're so scared, in fact, that they're actually validating our efforts.

In one of their videos (which has a grand total of 99 views), Georgetown Law Professor David Super points out that the Article V movement is "dangerously close to an Article V convention becoming a reality."

He also makes the erroneous claim that "anything is up for grabs" at a Convention of States. Even leaving aside the fact that history and precedent prove a Convention can be limited, a Convention of States cannot change one word of the Constitution. The only power held by a Convention of States is to propose amendments -- those amendments must be sent back to the states for ratification, and 38 states must agree to each proposal. 

These attacks will no doubt grow in intensity the closer we get to reining in the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. Groups like Common Cause claim to be fighting big-money lobbies, but they are themselves benefiting from the centralization of power in Washington, D.C. With the majority of power in one place, they can more easily enact radical leftist policies that affect every citizen living in all 50 states.

We don't want that. We want power to be de-centralized, which is why we're calling for the first-ever Article V Convention of States. A Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and restore true self-governance to We the People.

Our founders fought and died for the right to govern themselves. That right is under attack as never before, and, like the founders, we'll be up for the fight every step of the way.


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Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to act as a final check on abuses of power by Washington, DC. Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention to proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington DC.

I support Convention of States; a national movement to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

I want our state to be one of the necessary 34 states to pass a resolution calling for this kind of an Article V convention. You can find a copy of the model resolution and the Article V Pocket Guide (which explains the process and answers many questions) here:

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