Convention of States Action Maryland was on cue for the House of Delegates hearing of the COS Resolution HJ2 on Friday, March 3rd before the Rules & Executive Nominations Committee.
Eighteen engaged and articulate COS Action Maryland volunteers testified in support of our resolution to simply call a convention to propose and debate amendments to the Constitution in accordance with Article V.Delegate Mark Fisher (District 27C) kicked off the testimony by introducing "HJ2", outlining the 3 areas of discussion the resolution will authorize:
- Term limits on federal officials, including Congress
- Limits on federal overreach
- Restraints on federal spending
The hearing was conducted solely by video before the 23-member Rules & Executive Nominations Committee led by Delegate Anne Healey(District 22) and Delegate Marvin Holmes (District 23).
The 2023 COS Maryland Testimony Team gave reasoned and heartfelt testimony. We appreciate the six committee members who attended the entirety of the hearing. Certainly, take the time to thank them for their service and ask that they vote the Resolution (HJ2) out of Committee.
In addition to the Chair and Vice Chair mentioned above, Delegates Mark Chang (District 32), Marc Corman (District 16), and Dana Stein (District 11B) heard the entirety of the COS Action Maryland testimony. Our resolution's sponsor, Delegate Mark Fisher (District 27C), especially deserves our gratitude.
The 2023 testimony team cuts across the spectrum of American exceptionalism, composed of 3 students, 3 immigrants to the United States, 1 Jewish Cantor, 1 Marine Corps veteran and 1 Navy veteran, 6 district captains -- all 18 are courageous and proud Americans.
All are welcome to join the 2024 Testimony Team.
The 2023 testimony team has been working hard and practice continues for the Senate Hearing on March 14. You can attend in person by following the link below:
In the coming weeks, continue watching for updates on our progress through the Maryland State Legislature and how to get involved.
We are now more than halfway to our goal to convene a Convention of States! 19 of the needed 34 states have passed the resolution, and we're making progress in all 50 states, including Maryland. Our national goal is to reach 24 states by 2024 and the required 34 by 2026. Momentum is on our side! To learn more about getting involved - like joining the 2024 Testimony Team - click the image below.