Why do conservatives listen to leftists when it comes to a runaway convention?
It's amazing how common sense and reason go out the window when the left starts talking. It's rare to see a political party that is willing to listen to the other side of the aisle. But then again, there is an element of conspiracy theorists that do not trust any one, including the Framers of Constitution or themselves.
In one breath these "Constitutionalists" hold up the Founding Fathers as "honorable men", and in the next they claim these same men illegally wrote and adopted the Constitution. They say we cannot amend the Constitution as it is holy and sacred, and then defend the Second Amendment forgetting that it did not originally exist in the document.
Amusement can be found in that the left is responsible for sowing this discord into the conspiracy minded, sheep-like conservatives. Yes, that is correct, prior to the 1960's, you would never find any fear that existed about a "runaway" convention. Despite hundreds of applications passed by just about every state in the union prior to that point in history, not a single news article was written or testimony discussed this. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of legislative committee hearings were held without fear being raised or published about "runaway" convention.
The fear of the Convention of States in Article V did not exist until the left felt the danger of the states curtailing the powers that they had amassed in Washington, D.C. The centralization of power through big government policies and activist Supreme Court decisions expanded the size and power of the federal government. The deep state (A.K.A. The Swamp) was in peril. Thus, the powers that be, invented this fear out of whole cloth while using their disdain for our Founding Fathers at the same time.
Today this legacy lives on in states like Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. Groups like the John Birch Society (JBS) have been duped into carrying the water for leftists. Soros funded Common Cause is not shy about their opposition, and it is amusing to see JBS working side by side with the leftist groups of Common Cause and the pro-abortion League of Women Voters in opposition to Convention of States.
More irony exists in states like Wisconsin, where the John Birch Society is headquartered. Wisconsin has embraced Convention of States and recently passed legislation to join several efforts to use Article V. So in their home state, the legislature does not even listen to their nonsense.
With solid nationally known endorsers of Convention of States like Governor Ron Desantis, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, David Barton, Senator Rick Santorum, etc. it is still amazing that some still put stock into fly-by-night "scholars" that downloaded their talking points from an internet blog or straight from Common Cause's own websites.
If it were not so tragic, it would be funny. The tragedy exists when you stop and realize that every fear a "runaway" conspiracy puts forth is already happening in the real world federal government. Their fears are a reality. The left has taken over our government from the inside and is expanding its powers and taking our liberties. Free speech, the right to assemble, the right to redress our government, the right to bear arms, the right to freely exercise religion are all eroding and will continue to, by design, unless we stop it.
Options are limited. I, for one, choose to follow the constitutional remedy in Article V that was written by revolutionaries who completely understood the natures of men, for such a time as now. These men were inspired to create the best form of government this world has ever seen, complete with a safety valve action plan installed into it. Brilliant men indeed. Let's use it to save this Republic.