The Convention of States Project is pleased to announce an endorsement from Project Veritas Founder, James O’Keefe!
James O’Keefe says, “I've dedicated my life to exposing the lies, the criminal acts, and unethical practices committed by the Deep State in Washington DC. I’ve seen these people up close. Through shoe leather journalism, Project Veritas knows the Deep State intimately. They are arrogant, brazen, and utterly committed to undermining our Republic. So, I am under no illusion that those in DC will ever voluntarily give up their power. That’s why I am proud to stand with my good friend Mark Meckler and endorse the Convention of States Project. Calling an Article V Convention of States will restore liberty and bring the power back to the people where it belongs.”
“James O’Keefe has for many years been a staunch defender of liberty and government transparency,” says Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action. “No one knows better the threats we face from an unaccountable, non-elected bureaucracy, and we’re honored to have the support of such a respected and accomplished patriot. James has exposed the dark underside of our nation’s capital, and I’m excited to partner with him in our efforts to eradicate waste, corruption, and abuse in the federal government.”
James O’Keefe is an award-winning journalist and writer. He is the founder and President of Project Veritas, a non-profit organization, and Project Veritas Action dedicated to investigating corruption, dishonesty, waste and fraud in both public and private institutions.
The COS resolution calls for fiscal restraint, limiting the size, scope and jurisdiction of the federal government and term limits on federal officials, including judges.
Project Veritas Founder James O'Keefe Endorses Convention of States Project
Published in Hottest Blog on October 02, 2018 by Article V Patriot