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Convention of States!


Is there anything we can do?

Published in Blog on December 05, 2022 by Erik Van Geel

It has been a turbulent week with a number of eye-opening revelations (for those whose eyes were still closed). It doesn’t really matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum, these revelations should put an end to whatever faith you may still have had in our federal government working for us, our freedom, and our best interests.

  • If you didn’t believe me the first time, we now have hard evidence - thanks to a leadership change at Twitter – that both “team Biden” (effectively our current administration) and one of our two ruling parties have been guilty of collaborating with Big Tech to silence dissenters, make unfavorable news reports disappear, and – by Twitter’s own admission – interfere in elections;
  • The other ruling party demonstrated this week that they – contrary to their public statements – are not interested whatsoever in reining in the federal government’s powers or outrageous spending habits. They are however very interested in opposing even their own candidates if those candidates are not willing to play along with their political games.

Never before in our American history have we seen this level of corruption and swamp-filled decadence. It is not a small wonder that already in 2018, Michiganders were overwhelmingly in favour of limiting the powers of the federal government. We are more than ready for a smaller federal government with fewer powers.

Some of you may argue that our state government is not doing any better. While I may agree with that sentiment, it really is beside the point. The point is: we cannot bring about change without changing hearts, minds, and votes at the local level first. This war must be waged from the bottom up and from the inside out. Also, keep in mind that our state government in its current state is hardly anything more than a Midwestern branch of the federal government. This is the system that needs to be broken and restored to what our founders and our original Constitution intended. Here lies our duty.

How did we get into this mess to begin with? Of course, we can continue to cast shadows on the fairness of the elections (which in my opinion is not at all uncalled for, considering the decades-long one-sided “bending” of public opinion as shown by the above example). But there must be more than that. If there is cheating, and if we Michiganders care about our freedoms, our nation, and our state, we should easily be able to outvote the cheat.

I think the answer is two-fold.

1. Apathy

I just read this quote online which summarizes our predicament well:

Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.

We have grown accustomed to the easy life. In our generation, we have never experienced any real hardship. We started relaxing our sense of liberty and justice and lost the hunger to learn from the past. We developed a lifestyle that focused on the Self more than the things in life that really matter. The Romans were already well aware of how to exploit this mindset, with bread and games, and we fell for the same old trick.

2. Ignorance

Apathy creates ignorance. A great deal of this ignorance is wilful: we know there is a problem, but we tend to look the other way as long as “I” am still doing okay (Social Security, anyone?). But just like apathy, ignorance can also be exploited and amplified. Our governments (again), our media (again), and Big Tech (again) have done a marvelous job keeping us distracted and ignorant. However, the elephant in the room is never addressed: our public education system. Like any other large institution run by Big Government (healthcare, anyone?), it was destined to fail. According to SAT scores, college readiness in Michigan has decreased another 5% in the past two years, down to an abysmal 28%.2 Mind you, that’s by public school standards.

The sad sum of apathy and ignorance is that “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

The solution

The solution to ignorance is providing the right information. The solution to apathy is providing the proper motivation. Our mission at Convention of States (COS) does not change when a battle is lost. The war wages on, and we continue to inform, educate, and engage.

While the developments at the higher levels of government may appear quite discouraging, a lot of positives are happening in the context of what COS is working to do, which is to “build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists”. The battle is won locally first, where “we the people” can exert the most influence and stay in control. Here are a few of the encouraging examples of COS-supporting Michiganders who were willing to step out and have already started changing Michigan, and America, from the ground up by winning their election on November 8:

  • State Senators – Michele Hoitinga, Jon Bumstead, Roger Hauck, and Mike Outman
  • State House Representatives – Jamie Thompson, Jaime Greene, Ken Borton, John Roth, Kurt Vanderwall, and Matt Hall (who introduced legislation to pass the Convention of States in Michigan)
  • Precinct Delegates – Dave Vigna, Wesley Whittaker, and Kurt O’Keefe
  • School Board – Beth Pack

You are not alone!

As the above list of elected COS supporters shows, we are not alone in our fight. As a matter of fact, almost 2 million Michiganders voted for Convention of States supporter Tudor Dixon! If you want to make a difference, connect and engage together with like-minded citizens in your village, city, township, and county to help us build the grassroots army that will inspire both a political and spiritual awakening in Michigan!

Finally, especially in this Christmas season, we want to remind ourselves that we have a King above all governments and presidents. We do not merely fight a political battle. If we want to change minds (Romans 12:1), God has to change hearts. He has called us to sow the seeds for those changes (see Matthew 28:18-20).

“All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17:47)

All we have to do is what is right and true, one step at a time, and leave the rest to Him.

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