Most people know Rick Santorum as the former senator of Pennsylvania and a former presidential candidate, but what is life like for Mr. Santorum on a more personal level?
We thought we'd get to the bottom of this question with some fun, fast facts on Santorum's life, his hobbies, and how he got into politics in the first place.
Santorum currently serves as a senior advisor at Convention of States. He serves the grassroots across America by traveling to state legislatures to inform politicians of the Article V solution to our overreaching federal government.
But there's way more he's involved with as well. Here are some not-so-known facts about Rick Santorum:
1. He got his start in politics as a student at Penn State in an introductory political science course. One of the requirements of the class was to volunteer on a campaign.
"As a result of that, lots of opportunities came my way. Because if you show up in politics, they give you more to do," Santorum noted.2. Mr. Santorum is a gentleman farmer. He is a beekeeper and grows fruit trees, including plums, apples, cherries, and peaches. Then he makes jams and preserves from the fruit trees.
3. He and his wife have seven children and three grandchildren, with a fourth on the way. All seven children were homeschooled up until high school.
4. "I'm not just in politics," Santorum said. He is involved in several business endeavors with his friends. One effort in the health industry involves developing a new process that dramatically increases the amount of protein obtained from plasma in blood. In another industry, he is working to turn waste into a solid fuel.
5. He is a "pretty decent" golfer and has played several famous courses. For his 65th birthday this spring, he is headed to Scotland with the Heritage Foundation to play at the famous British Open golf courses.
As you can tell, he's a busy man. We've been lucky to have him at Convention of States since 2021.
SEE ALSO: Five fast facts – Michael Farris edition
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