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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


COSA Maryland in Action: 2022 Wrap Up

Published in Blog on December 23, 2022 by Maria Moungelis Bedard

Don't Forget to Spread The Word!
COS Action Maryland 2nd Annual Student Essay Contest!

Click for more information about the Student Essay Contest!
Essays due January 13, 2023.


In this issue...

  • 2022 By the Numbers
  • The State Director's Message
  • InspiredtoAction
  • BeCOS It Matters: News and Essays from the Comms Team
  • COS Action Maryland Calendar of Upcoming Events
  • COS Action Learning Resource of the Month

2022 By The Numbers:

Team Maryland has much to celebrate in 2022 as does the Convention of States nationally. We are on a methodical, calculated and vigorous long march to a convention of states

2,358,324 National petition signers
30,151 Maryland petition signers
200 Volunteers added in Maryland
13 District Captains
100% Active District Captains throughout 2022
COS University training completed
28 Active TelePatriot Volunteers
TelePatriot calls made by Maryland volunteers
2 Lead Legislative Sponsors: Senator Justin Ready & Delegate Mark Fisher
5 Senators
21 Delegates
Legislative Co-Sponsors
1 Challenge Coin Winner
7 Patriot Pin recipients
5 Reclaiming Liberty Summit attendees in Orlando
1 Patriot Academy Leadership Conference attendee
12 or more Events held, including 1 parade
1 COS Action Maryland volunteer elected as County Exec
1 COS volunteers who ran for elected office
4 States passed in 2022 along
19 Total passed states (of 34 needed)
6 States where COS resolution is passed in 1 of 2 chambers
14 active legislation, including Maryland
62 State Legislative bodies (of 99) controlled by COS favorable legislators
1 YOU - The Citizen Who Decides their personal destiny


A Message from Mike Rilee, State Director - District 19

It is the season to celebrate life and living during these truly historic times!

We are blessed to be in Maryland in the United States of America, which was founded to secure and protect the rights of individuals as we exercise our freedom of conscience and pursue happiness.

Yet there is darkness and decay all about. Our institutions no longer seem worthy of our trust.

Like everywhere else, we suffer from the ills and foibles of human nature, but we can always have have faith and hope now for the future. We can always correct ourselves and restart our pursuit of happiness in the right direction.

The list of achievements above in "2022 By The Numbers" are the result of Maryland patriots setting aside worries and fears to link up with their neighbors to reclaim the duties and challenges of being an American citizen.

Though the days seem short and dark, and truth seems hard to find, self-governance in America has seen darker times. Today's technology and communications bring vast abilities to ordinary people. It is easier than ever for us to connect, to learn, to debate, and to make a difference.

We don't need to rely on our country's elite to have us vote from a menu of Hobson's choices for our country's demise.

We just need to relearn what it means to be an American citizen. We must accept responsibility for our current situation and then take steps to correct it. That means teaching ourselves and our neighbors how to govern, getting active in our own government, and then building bridges for all Americans.

One of the great miracles of our time, is that the provision for an Article V Convention of States to propose amendments survives in our Constitution.

We are incredibly fortunate that the Framers provided a tool where ordinary citizens, working through their state legislatures, can check the power of a runaway federal Congress and bureaucracy. This is a direct role for you and me, as American citizens, to steer the course of the country.

Self-governance is the key and our duty.

We just have to earn it.

And that starts now! There is much to learn and do as our Maryland Delegates and Senators assemble in Annapolis in January.

So take heart and solace during the holiday season! Celebrate and reconnect with family, friends, and what is truly meaningful and important.

Have a Merry Christmas, Joyous Holidays, and a Happy New Year!

Michael Rilee
State Director
COS Action Maryland



Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.

John F. Kennedy

The Convention of States project is not partisan, rather it's personal. Ultimately, it's a project devoted to the individual taking responsibility for their own future - as opposed to faceless federal bureaucrats and legislators deciding. YOU get to DECIDE!

We're inspired by the actions of our Maryland supporters - those who are sound of heart. We PASSED 30,000 petition signers in 2022. That's quite an achievement.

Contact your legislators & candidates to let them know you support the Article V Convention of States resolution. Share the petition with others. The more petitions signed, the more our legislators recognize the importance of our cause.

BeCOS It Matters

Here are some interesting news articles from COSA Maryland that are worth reading and sharing with your circle of influence.

30,000th Signature

Fear is the Path to Tyranny

The Day After

Term Limits for Baltimore (yeah, really!)

COS Action Maryland Event and Meeting Calendar

Social Media Warriors
& Content Writers needed! 


COS Action Resource of the Month

COS University is Open to All

If you've already signed the petition - Thank you.
If not, please do so and then send the link to your circle of influence. 

It matters. Your support matters. Our country matters.

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We welcome all US citizens to support our movement by signing the petition. To deliver the petition to your state legislators, you must enter your full address, which must be within one of the 50 states. For military personnel serving overseas, or for expatriates, enter your Voting Residence Address .

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