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to call for a

Convention of States!


Fear is the Path to Tyranny

Published in Blog on December 08, 2022 by Will T. Zwart

Meet Elon Musk: 

This is Twitter: 

Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44,000,000,000 (that's 44 billion).

Elon Musk now owns Twitter. 

The End!

Or is this just the beginning?

The real question is: what will Mr. Musk do with Twitter now? Republicans and Democrats are chiming in with an answer, and for the first time in American history, they disagree! (sarcasm) 
Republicans say Musk will bring free speech back to the social media platform, reinstating many of the users who were banned due to “violation of content policies on disinformation.”
Democrats say he will do just the opposite, violating the First Amendment by banning certain individuals that he disagrees with on particular topics.

But what does Mr. Musk himself say? What are his views on free speech and the future of Twitter? Well, read for yourself: 

Despite the warnings shouted by some - the same who praised Twitter’s use of censorship and shadow-banning in the past - Elon Musk seems to support free speech. In his short term, Musk's Twitter has reinstated the accounts of many Twitter users banned for saying the wrong things. He has also criticized and even mocked the corrupt DC swamp and its hypocrisy. Now he's released The Twitter Files, exposing the full depth and breadth of old Twitter's frontal assault against the First Amendment in collusion with Big Tech - Big Government Deep State.
Without free speech, truth becomes a rare commodity, and Twitter is no exception. See their most egregious act of suppression with the Hunter Biden Laptop story, and how they buried it.

Although Elon Musk will arguably bring freedom of thought and word back to his newly-acquired social media site, there are dozens – if not hundreds – that still firmly remain in the camp of censorship in collusion with a grandiose government web. These giants of the internet, some of whom are owned by the Chinese government, will stop at nothing to keep hold of their power and prevent the people from learning the truth and fighting back! Not just the people here in America, but all across the world, where freedom grapples with tyranny. 
Just recently, the Apple company took steps to handicap Chinese citizens who were protesting their oppressive leadership and the devastating lockdowns that are imposed if even one person comes down with COVID-19, as detailed here

The Founding Fathers knew that free speech was essential to liberty. Elon Musk borrowed his sentiments from Benjamin Franklin who explained how freedom can be so easily lost: 

Don’t walk the path of tyranny or have a spirit of fear. Instead, have a spirit of hope and speak out freely for the First Amendment and Convention of States, the movement that can save America!

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