After Convention of States New Jersey's successful petition gathering at a recent Mark Levin book signing, COS Virginia determined to achieve the same a week later (June 1) when "The Great One" was scheduled to sign autographs at Barnes and Noble in Northern Virginia for his latest book Unfreedom of the Press.
However, the COS volunteers in Northern Virginia had a previously scheduled event.
Not to fear, because COS Virginia's State Director Dennis Denton made a three-hour drive to Northern Virginia for a hopeful guarantee that he would find a receptive audience.
Mark Levin reported on his radio show the following Monday that he met over 2,000 people at the book signing.
The popular radio host has a strong connection to Convention of States:
I have whole-heartedly endorsed the Convention of States Project. I serve on its Legal Board of Reference because they propose a solution as big as the problem. And they are promoting state applications for a convention for the purpose of limiting the scope, power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
Denton's COS polo shirt worked as a magnet, as people surrounded him throughout the day to ask questions about COS and sign the petition.
Later that afternoon Regional Captain Warren Wheeler and State Communications Coordinator Laurie Hackett arrived after the completion of their previously scheduled COS event. They found Dennis talking to a group of enthusiastic Levin fans.
Together Dennis and Warren fielded COS questions, while Laurie prepared her camera for a COS Virginia team photo. A nearby fan volunteered to take the picture and asked Laurie where she got her COS pin.
"I got it for being a volunteer. Would you like to join our team?"
Laurie handed the man her COS business card. He said he had signed the petition and had been considering becoming a volunteer. After talking about volunteer possibilities, the Levin fan took a group photo of the COS Virginia volunteers.

As Levin reported on his radio show a few days later, the crowds were polite. Barnes and Noble did a phenomenal job organizing the event and making everything look quite splashy.

Of course each of us volunteers had to get our own copy of the book and meet "The Great One."
Ahead of me was a young boy, about age 10. After he received his autographed book, he said, "Mr. Levin, Benjamin Franklin once said, 'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.' You do both."
That is why over 2,000 people came to Levin's book signing. They were so receptive to COS, that they initiated enthusiastic discussions with our team.
The fans were familiar with COS from having listened to Levin on his radio show, and they were energized by meeting actual volunteers in the Northern Virginia area.
Would you like to join our team? It's as simple as clicking on this link and finding a position that employs your passion and gifts to rein in the federal leviathan.