The Biden administration is now openly pushing to keep pornographic books in schools and within children’s reach.
Last year, Georgia’s Forsyth County School District banned several LGBTQ books that contained sexually explicit content after severe backlash from parents. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) launched an investigation into the school and last week concluded that it created a “racially and sexually hostile environment” by failing to provide books with “diverse authors and characters.”
“Some students… raised concern about the impact of removing the books,” the DOE alleged in a letter to the school. “One student stated that the book ban immediately made the environment more harsh for students; people like him who are not in the closet are watching their safe spaces disappear, and he is sick of being fearful at school. A student who identified herself as Asian said it is hard for her to find books with main characters who are of her race; she knows that people of other minority backgrounds have the same struggle and banning books written with diversity silences mainly minority voices. A third student – who characterized the District’s actions as singling out books by authors who are gay, supporters of the LGBTQI+ community, women and people of color – expressed the belief that the District does not care about diversity.”
Of course, OCR ignored the fact that it was not simply “diversity” that made the books controversial but shocking sexual content.
Works on the “banned” list included “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” and “The Bluest Eye.”
When the first on the list, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” was read aloud by a concerned mother at a school board, she was reprimanded by adult board members for her "profane comments." Apparently, the content—including a description of oral sex—was too inappropriate for adults, but not minors.
Another controversial title, “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” also details oral sex.
According to one parent’s review, “The Bluest Eye” depicts “incest, pedophilia, a graphic description of one married woman’s distaste for intercourse with her husband, an odd description of the same woman’s affinity for masturbating with a pet in her lap, and a graphic flashback in which [she] recalls when intercourse with her husband was pleasurable.”
Shockingly, this book was featured in Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential reelection campaign announcement, in which he blasted “MAGA extremists” for banning multiple pornographic books.
Ironically, at the same time, childhood classics, including the works of Roald Dahl (“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” “James and the Giant Peach,” and “The BFG,”) are being edited, with gendered language, references to guns, and insults such as “fat,” “ugly,” “and “crazy” being removed.
So, while it is O.K. for woke publishers to alter beloved, family-friendly classics, if parents object to obscene content in schools, they are called “extremists.”
Common sense says that sexually explicit books never should have been in schools, to begin with. But now Biden is actively seeking to subvert the will of parents, forcing those books back into the hands of their children.
This is yet more proof of the dangers of allowing a radical federal government the power to steer education. Ultimately, it is the parent’s right and responsibility to raise and protect their kids. Any government that cannot recognize this simple fact has clearly overstepped its bounds.
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Biden says students have ‘civil right’ to look at sexually explicit books
Published in Blog on May 24, 2023 by Jakob Fay