Merrick Garland must hate freedom.
I don’t say those words lightly. All the same, at this point, it’s hard to keep track of just how many crimes against freedom Garland and his radicalized Department of Justice are guilty of. Unfortunately, because of his poor track record, radical organizations in America have taken Garland’s partisanship as a sign that the Attorney General can be pressured into cracking down on whomever he or the president pleases.
They’re not wrong.
The American Medical Association along with other major medical institutions have taken advantage of the DOJ’s politicization, urging Garland to claim as his next victims those who don’t believe kids' bodies should be mutilated in the name of "gender rights.”
I’m not joking. This is what “justice” looks like in modern-day America.
In a letter to the DOJ, the American Medical Association points out that “[p]roviders of evidence-based gender-affirming health care” have come under severe criticism for surgically “transitioning” the bodies of young Americans many of whom later regret the permanently scarring procedure. The letter is preoccupied with concerns for the medical professionals who carry out these heinous acts yet pays no mind to the youth who suffer the consequences.
“These coordinated attacks threaten federally protected rights to health care for patients and their families,” the letter alleges. “The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions. Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.”
Is it coincidental that the letter singled out “high-profile users on social media” shortly after conservative blogger Matt Walsh exposed a transgender clinic for drugging, castrating, and performing double mastectomies on minors? Last week an FBI SWAT team arrested a pro-life dad; I hate to imagine it, but who’s to say the FBI isn’t on its way to Walsh’s home as we speak?
After all, in Biden’s America, it is apparently more of an offense to call out those who chop the perfectly healthy body parts off of minors than to actually commit the crime. It isn’t yet clear how Garland’s weaponized DOJ will respond. If its recent history has taught us anything, however, we shouldn’t be surprised to see yet another instance of state security services cracking down on Biden’s ideological opponents.
Through a Convention of States, we can put an end to this soft tyranny. By draining DC of its undue power and rehabilitating accountability within the federal government, we can rob Merrick Garland and all future successors of their ability to use institutions of justice for corrupt, partisan attacks on the American people.
To show your support for this important cause, sign the COS petition below!
American Medical Association urges Biden, Merrick Garland to ‘prosecute’ those who oppose radical gender surgeries
Published in Blog on October 04, 2022 by Jakob Fay