Legislative victories, a teeming events calendar, and team Trump’s support for COS have supplied the nation’s leading Article V movement with no shortage of opportunities to make the case for COS to new audiences. National survey data and groundbreaking polling from Pennsylvania and Ohio show that COS is overwhelmingly popular and genuinely bipartisan. This landmark polling reveals a powerful ultimatum behind our efforts: the time to call an Article V convention is NOW!
In the Keystone State, for example, majorities from every party say they back our mission: 55% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans, and 74% of Independents support calling an Article V convention.
Additionally, 69% of Republicans, 70% of Democrats, and an impressive 77% of Independents say they would consider crossing party lines to vote for a candidate who champions COS.
“These results send a powerful message: Convention of States is a unifying cause that resonates across party affiliations,” said COS President Mark Meckler. “It is heartening to witness Democrats and Republicans recognizing the importance of this constitutional remedy, as well as expressing a willingness to break party lines in order to do what is best for their country and state.”
Amazingly, our numbers improved in the Buckeye State, with 82% of Republicans, 69% of Democrats, and 77% of Independents rallying behind the Convention of States initiative. Altogether, 76% of Ohioans of every race and age bracket (above 14) agree we should use the Constitution to rein in the federal government.
“Even as the philosophical gap between Republicans and Democrats widens, the common bond that unites them is their dissatisfaction with the federal government,” said COS Senior Vice President for Legislative Affairs Rita Peters. “[The Ohio polling results] show that despite our wildly diverse worldviews, most of us still agree on some of America’s core values–like limited government, the rule of law, the need for fiscal responsibility, and the importance of being able to hold our officials accountable.”
After testing the waters in Pennsylvania and Ohio, it came time to survey Americans across all 50 states. We were not disappointed.
According to nationwide polling, 88 percent of Americans support term limits, 71 percent believe that more limitations upon federal power are necessary, and 68 percent are in favor of proposing amendments to the Constitution that would establish term limits, impose spending limits, and curb the power of the federal government via Article V.
As Matthew May opined at the time, these results “should make people think twice about” the prevailing notion that “You're either on the red team or the blue team, and there's no in-between.” COS confirms that does not have to be the case.
All our efforts are for naught if we cannot impact the most important demographic: We the People. Thankfully, as our 2024 polling demonstrates, we have more than just moved the needle; we have become the much-needed clarion call for unity and change, proving that progress is still possible in a divided country.
If you haven’t joined the movement yet, there’s never been a better time. Show your support by signing the COS petition below!
2024 in review pt. 4: National polling
Published in Blog on December 19, 2024 by Jakob Fay