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to call for a

Convention of States!



The Convention of States Article V Application

Published in Resources-Video on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

Our resolution invokes Article V of the Constitution, calling for a Convention of States to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the jurisdiction of the federal government, and impose term limits on federal officials. It's the only solution as big as the problem!

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The Article V Process Explained

Published in Resources-Video on July 16, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

Check out this awesome video from our COS team in Alabama! Join us at Written by Amanda Read ( Produced by Matthew Perdie (

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2022 Redistrict - filter for finding mismatched assignments

Published in Resources-Video on December 31, 2022 by Denah Butts

How to identify which records require updating

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Convention of states action

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