The Prayer Warriors Team consists of people of many faith traditions who recognize that the battle for freedom in America is more than political or even cultural. There is a spiritual war being waged for hearts and minds of the American People and for the very destiny of the nation.
A key issue at stake is whether the Founders' understanding of humanity as designed for freedom and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights will be upheld by our Constitution. Those who would undermine the foundation of our country hold that truth is malleable, the law is arbitrary, and rights can be granted or withheld at the whim of political elites.

Spiritual battles cannot be fought without prayer. So we are asking God to raise up a massive army to commit to pray for the COS movement and the nation.
When you join the Prayer Warriors team, you commit to praying for the following:
- Political success. We boldly ask for divine providence for the COS effort in terms of grassroots growth; favor in political, social, and media spheres; and victory in passing the COS legislation.
- Spiritual faithfulness. We seek Christlikeness - integrity, charity, humility, servanthood, unity, and righteous living - among the COS leadership and volunteers, both in our private lives and in the realm of political engagement.
Strategic warfare. We stand against spiritual forces of evil that blind our fellow citizens to truth and foster deception, confusion, and conflict.
- A new Great Awakening. A nation built on freedom requires citizens who hold the truths of human worth and personal liberty to be self-evident as our Founders did. This will only be the case when the hearts of the American People across the nation acknowledge our Creator God and submit to the teaching of his Word in which we find those truths. We call on the Lord to accomplish this through a move of his Spirit - revealing truth, changing hearts, and drawing people to faith.
We will help you pray meaningfully and specifically by sending you the following resources:
- Emails with strategic information (usually sent twice a month)
- A monthly prayer calendar
- Invitations to prayer teleconferences