If you listen to the media and certain politicians regarding the recent revelation of a certain laptop, the Russians are far more of a threat now than back when they had enough nuclear missiles to annihilate all life on this planet many times over.
By media accounts, the Ruskies have infiltrated this nation from a computer repair business man all the way up to the President of the United States.
Logic dictates that other areas have been compromised as well. Government, the media, and education would seem to be the three main targets.
Since they’ve compromised someone not within those three areas it seems obvious that they have those well covered already.
Thus, it can be assumed that there are Russian agents in Congress, in the FBI, the DOJ, the intelligence agencies, the judiciary as well as the other federal agencies.
Since the Russians know our Constitution better than most Americans and they also know how things have been corrupted to accumulate the power and control with the feds, they wouldn’t waste their time with infiltrating the state governments or the people at large.
All of which leads to one conclusion: we need a Convention of States, now!
All of the power has been accumulated at the federal level, or so they all think.
We the People--acting through our states--have the power (and the authority) to bypass the corrupted federal government to propose amendments to restrain the federal government.
And with the feds having their constitutionally limited powers again, they will no longer be a threat to us. They can then go back to protecting us from foreigners.
I’d rather have those spears pointed outward than inward.