In speaking with a potential Florida volunteer about the myriad of things wrong with our country today, I began to think about why I chose to put my energies, time, heart, and soul into Convention of States. I am a nurse by training and have spent over 40 years in the healthcare world. I approach problems from the perspective of determining what is going to harm or help a patient the most.
It is from this perspective that I see the world; whether it is addressing a child’s concerns about how a school peer does not like them or helping a hospital or healthcare system to get out from under the intense scrutiny of regulators so they may remain open and continue to treat patients.
If we look at the problems in our country, though they may be huge in volume, it all breaks down to the fact that our heart, as a country, is failing. We try to prop it up on life support, but we fail to determine why it is failing us. We know that our laws are interpreted to the point that they cover the least behavior or the gravest, yet always remain open to interpretation. If we do not fix the heart of this country, any broken bones, bumps and bruises will not matter; it will die.
Our Constitution as framed by our forefathers should be our guiding document and many say it is. In turn, some have interpreted once very plain language to something rather obscure in various rulings and briefs. The language is quite clear though, requiring only a few pieces of paper to comprehend and disseminate!
There is no need to wonder what it means; we have document after document on why the Constitution was written the way it was. Only with prayerful thought and consideration could such a document written long ago be so able to remain as relevant as it does today.
If we heal the heart and remove the excessive load, our federal system of government can return to the limited business that should be at hand rather than the overarching domination of an entire country. We do not have kings and queens for a reason; we are a Republic with 50 states that each operate under its own State Constitution. The rights of these states are being systematically eliminated to the point where potentially we would no longer make decisions for ourselves. There are those in power and their supporters who want decrees to come from Washington.
We elect officials to lead the country in the direction We the People want them to lead. To our dismay, a good number follow only the Party, leading us toward stalemates and stale outcomes. Today, we can no longer have civil discourse about the simplest of ideas.
Citizens are overtaxed, overspent, over legislated and over governed to our detriment. Much like a patient in cardiac failure, we are failing to function the way we were intended to by our very foundation. We must make a change, or we will lose the patient — a nation we love!
My decision to support the Convention of States Project is my effort to return the balance given through the U.S. Constitution to a Republic that is the home we love. This is the place we want to leave for our children and their children — a nation we can all say is truly America the Beautiful.
The blood flows through the body by a great pump called the heart; let this Constitution, the heart of our Republic, do the work intended and the rest of our country will be the healthy body it supports!
The State of Florida is leading the pack by exercising its rights as outlined in the Constitution. Convention of States Florida is rising with the same tide of returning liberty to the people, where it belongs.
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