You likely signed the Convention of States petition because you do not see the federal government protecting our constitutional and God-given liberties.
What can you do?
COS volunteers support any and all efforts to realign with our foundational, deeply held values. COS District Captains, and all volunteers, are expected to:
• reach out to fellow citizens, prospective volunteers, and legislators
• teach them about the Article V COS process
• activate team members in Calls to Action.
Nurture Relationships
We all need to nurture meaningful relationships between our districts' COS teams and our Statesmen so that our legislators uphold our constitutional rights for all legislation: debating effectively with Constitutional references and voting accordingly.
Building relationships involves showing appreciation, listening to concerns and expectations, and providing productive feedback, referenced facts, and support. In other words, Servant Leadership Tool #7, communication!
Why not get to know each other through the time-honored tradition of an annual homecoming? It can be fun, relaxed, enjoyable, and enlightening. We encourage all District Captains to consider hosting a COS Homecoming Town Hall for your Statesmen (Florida House and Senate). No District Captain in your district? You can still take the lead on this with help from our LL Team.
Seek LL Team Help
The Legislative Liaison Team is prepared to assist in whatever you need. Detailed guidelines are available but here is a brief outline of how to make this happen:
- Contact the staff of your State House Representative to find out if they already have a Homecoming Town Hall arranged and, if not, how you might be of assistance. You can:
-- work with your legislators' teams to set an appropriate time and place;
-- invite your legislator to speak about the 2023 regular session, to talk about any bills they sponsored, offer their take on the highlights of the session (what went well & what didn't... and why they feel that way), ask about what they intend to champion during their time of service;
-- advertise to your team and supporters and even to your neighbors (via methods like local bulletins or NextDoor app);
-- follow up with the venue to confirm date and time and expected attendance, as needed;
-- arrange for snacks/water/etc if located in a non-food venue; and
-- come prepared with questions to start for any Q&A time. - The Legislative Liaison team will help you do research on what your State House Representative has worked on during the session.
- Regardless if you are organizing the Town Hall or just attending something organized by others, be sure to invite volunteers and all of you assist in promoting to supporters and neighbors.
- Create a list of tasks to be done for the event and offer opportunities for volunteers to step up (every little allocated task helps).
- Stay in contact with your Legislators' staff.
- Meet often with your volunteer team and legislative liaisons prior to the event to be sure you're all well prepared.
- If you know your legislators support a COS, ask where they stand. It's a great opportunity for neighbors to learn a legislators view. If not, you may choose not to bring it up as it might not be the right time to end up in a public debate. If they're opposed, it may be better to have those discussions in one-on-one meetings, so there's no pressure of an audience.
- Have fun.
- Record your event through photos and videography!!
- Share your experience with the Florida COS team on SLACK and via social.
Our vision is that, through the great work of our Florida District Captain teams, a tradition evolves where every year Florida legislators look forward to being invited to their annual COS hosted Homecoming Town Hall.
Help us turn that aspiration into a reality. Help us create COS History. For more information email Michelle LaFlamme, Legislative Liaison.