Much to the excitement of his many fans, Tucker Carlson announced Tuesday afternoon that a “new version of the show we’ve been doing for the past six and a half years” will soon be hosted on Twitter. He called the Elon Musk-owned social media company the last big [free speech platform] remaining in the world.”
As Convention of States previously reported, rumors had surfaced that Tucker and Musk were having conversations about working together. The Tesla founder shared Tucker’s announcement but clarified that “we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever.”
“On this platform, unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique and refute whatever is said,” Musk tweeted. “I hope that many others, particularly from the left, also choose to be content creators on this platform.”
In his announcement video, the former Fox News host promised that he, unlike the rest of the mainstream media, would continue to tell the truth about politics to his audience.
SEE ALSO: Are Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk teaming up?
“You often hear people say the news is full of lies,” Tucker began. “But most of the time that’s not exactly right. Much of what you see on television or read in the New York Times is in fact true in the literal sense. It could pass one of the media’s own ‘fact-checks.’ Lawyers would be willing to sign off on it…. But that doesn’t make it true,” he continued. “It’s not true. At the most basic level, the news you consume is a lie. A lie of the stealthiest and most insidious kind.”
Tucker then accused the media of misleading the American people “in every story that matters, every day of the week, every week of the year.”
“What’s it like to work in a system like that,” he asked. “After more than 30 years in the middle of it, we could tell you stories. The best you can hope for in the news business at this point is the freedom to tell the fullest truth that you can. But there are always limits. And you know that if you bump up against those limits often enough, you will be fired for it,” he added, seemingly explaining why he was fired from Fox. “That’s not a guess—it’s guaranteed.”
We’re back.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) May 9, 2023
As of Wednesday morning, Tucker’s announcement video already has garnered over 92 million views on Twitter.
SEE ALSO: Tucker's departure confirms it's We the People vs. the elites
As had been previously reported, the former Fox News host’s contract allegedly prevented him from working for anyone other than Fox until 2025, after next year’s presidential election. Those close to the media star revealed that he was planning on fighting the news channel for his “freedom.”
Shortly before Tucker announced his new show on Twitter, his lawyers sent a letter to Fox News, accusing the company of fraud and breach of contract. According to Axios, the letter “positions Carlson to argue that the noncompete provision in his contract is no longer valid — freeing him to launch his own competing show or media enterprise.” Legal action is expected to follow.
While many in the political establishment hate Tucker Carlson (and the people he represents), he is one of the few names trusted in national media by the American people. They are thrilled to see him back in the fight for freedom of speech and thought, now on Elon Musk’s Twitter.