Mark Meckler recently joined Kirk Cameron on his TBN show to discuss the Convention of States and to answer an important question: “Why would we ever want to amend the Constitution?”
If you have been a COS supporter for any amount of time at all, you have almost certainly encountered this question. We hear it all the time from opponents who argue that our problem today is not with the Constitution itself but with politicians who don’t follow the Constitution. Therefore, the solution, we are told, is not to “mess with” the Constitution but to hold our elected officials accountable to the Constitution.
Accountability is important, of course. But, as Mark Meckler explained, our Constitution today is not the same as the Constitution our Founders gave us.
“If you look at what they’ve done, there are thousands of pages of court cases that came out of the Supreme Court telling us what this beautiful, little document means and there are things in there that really don’t make any sense.”
So yes, we can hold our elected officials accountable to the Constitution, but the “constitution” they follow has been altered by the courts hundreds of times and is far larger, not to mention much more complicated, than that pocket Constitution you keep at home.
That’s why we need Convention of States; not to change the Constitution but to restore it.
“The Convention of States is…the last line of defense if the government turns tyrannical,” Kirk Cameron added, warning against corrupt politicians who “make amendments that serve themselves and might injure the people.” Our government no longer has our best interest in mind. We must use Article V, not for the mere sake of “changing” our founding document, but for the sole purpose of rehabilitating our Founders’ original intent for the Constitution.
Join Mark Meckler and Kirk Cameron in their support of this important effort to preserve our beloved Constitution and sign the Convention of States petition below!
WATCH Kirk Cameron: “The Convention of States is the last line of defense if the government turns tyrannical.”
Published in Blog on May 03, 2022 by Jakob Fay