One of the basic tenets of our constitutional republic is that our rights and freedoms are guaranteed, not by the government, but by virtue of our status as human beings under God.
Now it looks like we're losing that principle, at least according to a new survey by Scott Rasmussen:
Fifty percent (50%) of voters nationwide believe that the rights we enjoy as Americans were given to us by the government and the Constitution. A survey found that another 50% believe we were endowed by our Creator with certain rights that no government can take away.
This divided understanding is found across virtually all measured partisan and demographic groups. Liberal voters are somewhat more likely to believe that rights come from the government while conservatives lean in the opposite direction. However, even in that case, the differences are fairly modest.
Our nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states that the very purpose of government is to protect our unalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The founders of the nation believed in natural rights, the idea that as human beings we all possess certain rights that no government can take away.
Big-government propaganda is working. When half of all Americans believe that their rights are dependent on the mercy of the federal government, you know we're in trouble.
Fortunately, our Founders gave those who still understand where our rights come from a way to fight back. Article V of the Constitution allows the people and the states to call a Convention of States for proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
These amendments can limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, destroying the perception that our rights and freedoms come from an all-powerful Washington, D.C.
Only when Americans see that they possess certain unalienable rights apart from the federal government can we hope to put our country on the right path. The first step is to launch a constitutional revolution with an Article V Convention of States.
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