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Trump, Jimmy Kimmel, and the degradation of justice

Published in Blog on May 31, 2024 by Jakob Fay

Jimmy Kimmel is laughing, but precious few of us are laughing with him.

The night before the verdict was announced in the Donald Trump hush-money case, the insufferable comedian bantered derisively with his audience about the purported unintelligence of those bemoaning the impending judgment. His words dripped with contemptuous elitism—even as the nation braced for a rocking, history-altering decision, the 15-million-dollars-per-year entertainer guffawed with his friends about the idiocy of us simple folks. 

Our current landscape of extreme politics has given rise to this notion of “laughing through the end of the world”—a means for coping with the madness around us. But that’s not what Kimmel is doing. No, he and his fellow elites laugh because they are oblivious that they have just broken something rudimentary in American society. May they pardon us if we are less than thrilled that our beloved nation staggers on the brink of banana republicanism.

It’s all fun and games, they say, until the snake turns back to bite those that unleashed it.

You see, if Americans distrust yesterday’s verdict—no doubt, you know by now that the president was found guilty on all 34 charges—who’s fault would that be? Maybe those who accused him of virtually every crime imaginable until, at last, confronted with the possibility of his return to the White House, they landed on something as slight as an infraction of New York Penal Law §175.10? Truly, we must understand that this constitutes a humiliating defeat… for the left. After years of trumping Trump up to be a dangerous fascist and threat to democracy, they finally got him—for what? Breaking a business records law that’s so obscure, no one really seems to understand why it resulted in a felony charge? Yes, behold your bogeyman! Fear him (and not those who wield authoritarian power against him).

Unfortunately, it’s much worse than that. I have been covering politics for the duration of Joe Biden’s presidency, and, in that time, I have witnessed this administration investigate moms at school board meetings like terrorists, members of the KKK, and Nazis, arrest an unarmed pro-life dad with an FBI SWAT team, and collude with big tech to suspend social media accounts that criticized the president. That is to say, the administration boasts an abysmal track record on “justice.”

Already, the American people fear this president’s penchant for persecuting his opponents. Why should they trust that the Trump verdict is fair?

Last year, after Fulton County Jail posted Donald Trump’s now infamous mugshot, I opined that the portrait meant that we had “entered a new era of politics where rivals slap each other back and forth with investigations, indictments, impeachments, and arrests until those words mean nothing at all. It’s our new normal,” I said. “Administrations will prosecute former administrations until they too are prosecuted, and the process will repeat ad infinitum.”

“This is what it means to live under a weaponized federal government,” I added.

In other words, “justice” now means nothing to the American people. It’s an empty, hollow word, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Why? Not because we wanted to lose faith in the American system of justice but because the establishment cabal abused it until we had no choice. Call it what you will—the swamp, the deep state, a renegade, George Soros-funded DA—what matters is that the militantly anti-Trump forces in this country have trampled law and order underfoot in order to get their man.

Well, now that they’ve “got” him, can we expect our courts to revert back to their former state? Not likely. The degradation of justice is merely in its infancy; the beast has been unleashed, and our path back to “normal” is clouded.

Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there are those among us who still hold the clarity of vision to navigate this path. Indeed, saving our Republic, at this point, requires more than just vindictive lawfare. We must disarm the federal government entirely. The Founders never intended for the federal government to possess this much power, and now we know why. Either we strip it away from them—or we allow them to continue to drive this country into the ground.

With an Article V convention, as outlined in the Constitution, we can clap back at Washington’s abuses and rein D.C. in, once and for all. If you’re confused, outraged, saddened, or disturbed by yesterday’s verdict, channel that passion into a proven cause. Now is our time to rise up to save the American Republic—or watch it burn in injustice.

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Almost everyone knows that our federal government is on a dangerous course. The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster.

What is less known is that the Founders gave state legislatures the power to act as a final check on abuses of power by Washington, DC. Article V of the U.S. Constitution authorizes the state legislatures to call a convention to proposing needed amendments to the Constitution. This process does not require the consent of the federal government in Washington DC.

I support Convention of States; a national movement to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution, restricted to proposing amendments that will impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress.

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