Former president Donald Trump's controversial immigration rule, Title 42, which has been used to prevent the entry of certain individuals into the nation and expel other illegal immigrants, is set to expire next month, and Border Patrol agents are warning that the southern border crisis may get worse in the wake of its absence.
Border security used to be seen largely as an issue of whether or not foreigners would be allowed to enter the country illegally. But in light of the crisis that has unfolded over the past two years, it has become so much bigger than that. Now, it is a question of whether Americans will continue to be complicit in a horrific humanitarian crisis, resulting in women and children being raped and trafficked, and deadly drugs on our streets.
According to new polling, American voters have selected the human trafficking of women and children as their top concern about our unsecured southern border. Some estimates indicate that as many as 60% of unaccompanied alien children are caught by cartels and exploited through child pornography and drug trafficking. As Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States, explained on Tucker Carlson Tonight last week, “[T]hirty percent of women, at least, [are] raped as they come up and into this country.”
SEE ALSO: WATCH: Mark Meckler and Tucker Carlson discuss How Many More? Border Rally
“Migrant women are raped by cartel members as part of their price for being smuggled across U.S. border, while 60% of unaccompanied alien children are caught by cartels and exploited through child pornography and drug trafficking,” said Meckler in a press release. “Add to that the 6 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. in the last 3 years and you have the definition of a humanitarian crisis. Yet Washington D.C. refuses to acknowledge this crisis.”
“Now, with the federal government being derelict in its duty,” he continued, “states like Texas are taking the lead to address this crisis and secure our southern border.”
This Saturday, Convention of States is organizing a border rally at the Texas Capitol to put pressure on state leadership to take action. Recommended action steps will include declaring an invasion of our southern border, defining Mexican cartels as terror organizations, seizing cartel bank accounts and assets, and establishing a Texas Border Defense Unit to protect Texans. If the federal government won’t do it, it’s time for We the People to take a stand.
SEE ALSO: Poll: Bipartisan frustration about border crisis directed at Feds
As Title 42’s impending expiration nears, Americans everywhere are asking, “How many more women must be raped? How many more must be murdered? How many more border crossers must be drowned?
How many more children must be sold into slavery?
America’s border states have a humanitarian crisis on their hands, and the time to act is now. To learn more about this week’s border rally, go to To support Convention of States in its mission to rein in the federal government, returning power to the states, sign the petition below.
Trump era immigration rule set to expire, Americans worried about out-of-control human trafficking at border
Published in Blog on April 25, 2023 by Jakob Fay