On November 15th, 2023, former President Donald Trump declared he was running for the 2024 presidential race. In that announcement, President Trump stated that he would support legislation calling for term limits on members of Congress. Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House, has also publicly stated that he would support legislation for term limits.
However, we must recognize two problems with their declarations:
1. Even if President Trump and/or Speaker McCarthy did introduce such a proposal to Congress, they would, in all likelihood, never succeed in obtaining the necessary votes from both chambers to get such legislation on President Trump’s desk for signing into law.
2. Such legislation would quickly be challenged in court as unconstitutional, and the challenger(s) would likely win.
This is because Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution clearly states that “the House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, …”
Nowhere in the Articles or the Amendments of the Constitution is there any mention of limitation on the number of terms an otherwise qualified citizen of the United States may serve in the House of Representatives.
On Saturday night President Trump held a rally in Waco, Texas where he gave his full support for a feasible way to enact term limits: a constitutional amendment.
With reportedly 25,000 people in attendance, Trump did not indicate that he would support term-limit legislation but rather clearly expressed his strong support for a constitutional amendment that imposes term limits on elected members of Congress.
"I will support a constitutional amendment to put term limits on members of Congress," he proclaimed to a cheering crowd.
Trump's remarks provided clarity on his stance concerning term limits. The only way to propose constitutional amendments is to use Article V of the Constitution, indicating Trump is a supporter of the Article V solution.
"Our biggest threat are high-level politicians that work in the United States government like Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Justice Department. Because that's poisoning our country," Trump said.
Term limits don't end with members of Congress. The deep state includes lifelong staffers, agency heads, administrative staff, and other employees living off a career in the federal government.
Sign the Convention of States petition below to show your support for the Article V solution to career politicians.