On Tuesday afternoon, Kevin McCarthy will ask for the support of his Republican colleagues in becoming the next speaker of the House.
Now that it's clear Republicans will take control of the House, the conference will conduct its leadership elections. However, in working for the people, leadership elections on both sides of the aisle have always been a closed-door affair only.
What’s the reason for private leadership elections in Congress? There is none.
There are several positions in Republican leadership that need to be filled – which are somehow always filled by the people already at the top of the food chain. These positions include majority leader, majority whip, conference chair, and conference secretary.
These are the most powerful positions within the party. At the top of both parties and in charge of the entire functions of the House sits the speaker. Speaker Pelosi's control is coming to an end and McCarthy is unsurprisingly eyeing the position.
Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona is challenging McCarthy for the spot, which will likely not go over well. McCarthy will conduct a secret-ballot election today to see where he stands within his party. The deciding vote for speaker is public and doesn't actually take place until the next Congress convenes, but the rally for votes behind the scenes is undoubtedly underway.
The other GOP positions will be voted on today in a private meeting.
When it comes down to it, isn't it called the People's House? Weren't these politicians just elected to go serve We the People in Washington, yet now they can't be upfront about something as simple as this?
When there's transparency, there's nothing to hide. When there are closed doors, there are inherently games to be played.
In a letter to GOP leaders, including Senator Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, 60 prominent conservatives called for a delay of leadership elections until after the Georiga runoff on Dec 6.
“The Republican Party needs leaders who will confidently and skillfully present a persuasive coherent vision of who we are, what we stand for, and what we will do. Many current elections are still undecided. There should be no rushed leadership elections,” the conservative group wrote in their letter.
McConnell and McCarthy are pushing forward with the elections that will put them into the most powerful positions possible.
Anyone should be allowed to step forward and challenge these two career politicians and anyone else. If we want what's best, we shouldn't be forced to limit our options to the oldest, highest-ranking Swamp members.
It’s not necessarily who each member votes for, it’s that the private matter allows for shady bargaining and business transactions all behind closed doors.
We elected them into office, now we should be able to see who they will elect to run the legislative branch of government. It's that simple.
Sign the COS petition below to help us redirect the course of the Swamp.