Authoritarians have been flexing their muscles to the detriment of everyday Americans.
They've attempted to acquire control over which businesses must close their doors to the public and over which others will get a "free pass." Autocrats arbitrarily (subjectively) declare some businesses "essential," arrogantly asserting that it was actually possible to truly know if a business is "essential" or not.
But for the business owner who feeds a family, all business is essential. In this respect, it is business that puts food on the table at home. It's what feeds the mouths of hungry children. To declare some businesses as "not essential" is dangerously close to declaring some families as "not essential."
History proves that that kind of thinking doesn't end well, even if it only starts off as economic protectionism where favored groups are allowed to succeed in society, while others are pushed down.
But the United States is better than that, and the American people know it. So, predictably, public interest in restraining government power has ballooned. Many more people today are interested in restraining government power than this time last year.
As evidence to this, look at the Convention of States Minnesota effort to restrain government. Last month, the number of new petition signers was three times the average monthly number, and the number of new volunteers was over five times the monthly average.
Below are charts called Pareto Charts, which put the highest activity to the left. Notice how, for both volunteers and petitions, the month of March 2021 shows up as the top month overall--and by a lot!
In the case of the volunteers chart, the next closest month to March 2021 was December 2020, but even that number of new volunteers wasn't much more than half of March 2021.
This revved-up engagement by Minnesotans fits right in with our mission statement to build a strong, engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists. Let's keep the momentum going!
Our Mission: To build a strong, engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists.