Over half of America feels our federal government is too powerful, but some still haven't heard of the solution that's written into the U.S. Constitution.
A new Gallup poll released Wednesday finds that 54% of Americans feel Washington holds too much power.
Additionally, 53% of those surveyed said the government is doing too many things to solve the nation's problems.
Remarkably the majority of Americans have felt this way for longer than one might expect.
"Since 2005, no less than 50% of Americans have said they believe the federal government is too powerful, with some of those readings reaching 60%," Gallup wrote.
The federal government is supposed to be here to serve the people. If over half of America is unhappy with the standing of our government, something needs to change.
By political party, 74% of Republicans, 32% of Democrats and 54% of independents believe the federal government has too much power.
That's a third of liberals, a significant data point when their political ideas currently rule the executive and legislative branches. Last year, only 19% of Democrats said the government has too much power, meaning substantial changes have occurred in the past year within the party.
How did it get this way? Slowly but surely, we allowed D.C. bureaucrats to take over our way of living and push connived agendas in our faces.
Since the COVID crisis ensued in early 2020, every day has only allowed for the people to recognize how power abuses in the government are not just possible but extremely common.
However, with the resentment felt towards the government comes a sentiment of hope for structural fixes.
As many are aware, the hope lies in calling a Convention of States to rein in the powers of the federal government. The states have the ability to call a convention to meet and discuss limiting its size and jurisdiction, adding term limits to federal officials, and writing a permanent budget plan.
The good news is that already, 19 out of the required 34-state threshold has officially passed the COS Resolution. More good news – the people are looking for a real solution, not just another temporary fix.
One of the best ways for We the People to make it happen is to share COS with friends and family, after signing the petition below.