2017 was the last time the Nevada State Legislature discussed an Article V Convention of States, and it did not go well. A resolution to rescind all previous resolutions calling for a Convention of States was passed with no 'nay' votes.
The resolution, SJR10, stated:
A constitutional convention convened by Congress could make sweeping changes to the United States Constitution and threaten the liberty of future generations of Nevadans
The resolution never explained how it was threatening, however. The only real objections were that we only have 27 amendments and no Article V conventions have been conducted.
The entire Convention of States grassroots movement is about preserving liberty and passing amendments to limit the Federal Government's ability to threaten the liberty of Nevadans.
Another major problem with SJR10 is that it refers to a Constitutional Convention, which is very different from a Convention of States as explained here. It seems that SJR10 was arguing against something that did not exist.
An Article V convention is only to propose amendments, not a new constitution. It is meant to propose an idea for how to fix a broken system, a system that has become corrupted by a Congress that cannot function properly. It does not change the American system of government. By itself, it cannot even change the Constitution.
The mischaracterization of a Convention of States has pushed Nevada further from preserving our liberty and reining in the federal government. Those currently threatening our liberty reside in Washington D.C. and it is time we stop letting them do so.
If you want to get active and help preserve our liberty you can volunteer here or sign the petition below.