Senator Lee Schoenbeck is out of touch with the citizens of South Dakota, behaving more like a dictator than a statesman. Unfortunately, the silence of other legislators--who appear to fear reprisal of they step out of line--is allowing him to have his own way with issues that are important to South Dakota citizens.
Last year, Schoenbeck orchestrated the killing of the Convention of States resolution. He told volunteers to "just go home already" when they tried to discuss the subject with him. Nevertheless, last year the resolution passed the full South Dakota House of Representatives. This year, the committee (populated by his anti-COS friends) killed it, not allowing it to go to the floor for a vote.
Remember, Schoenbeck disparaging Convention of States grassroots on a Watertown radio show last year? Yes, that was even picked up by national radio personality Mark Levin who challenged Schoenbeck to a debate on his show (of 11 million listeners), yet the local media was silent. LISTEN HERE
Last week, Schoenbeck threatened a grassroots level reporter with actual jail time after accusing him of nefarious intentions. While other media received the benefit of the doubt, Schoenbeck went out of his way to threaten a citizen video journalist. WATCH NOW
Again, the big media was silent on this.
Earlier in the session, Schoenbeck led the charge for the suspension of a legislator under strange circumstances, demonstrating a lack of respect for due process. NEWS ARTICLE.
This is not the Pierre I am accustomed to. I have never seen a display of such poor character and such an abuse of power. Why is he allowed to do this?
The truth is, the elitists in Pierre are just fine with it. Schoenbeck has given them their pet projects and has shut down grassroots activists. Big money and backroom deals are in vogue. You better get in line, or you will be targeted by the powers that play kingmaker and send money to campaigns.
A complicit media (they seem to love him) and a lack of cohesive opposition from the grassroots have emboldened Schoenbeck in his actions. His big benefactors reward him for his results. His own party loves the money he brings in, so again, why would he change and become more responsive to WE THE PEOPLE?
Not until South Dakotans wake up to this people problem in Pierre will this be solved. I will not go away. You can expect Convention of States grassroots leaders to be all over the state, educating South Dakota on the merits of fighting the Washington, D.C. swamp with the action plan our Framers gave us in Article V of the United States Constitution. In the meantime, I am looking for individuals across the state ready to help with the SWAMP problem we have in Pierre as well.