Earlier this week, the Biden administration’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary announced that hospitals must continue to perform “emergency” abortions even if such procedures are illegal under post-Roe state laws.
“Under the law, no matter where you live, women have the right to emergency care—including abortion care,” HHS claimed.
The recent Supreme Court case overturning Roe v. Wade established that abortion rights were to be hashed out at the state level - a more federalist approach to the abortion issue. However, President Biden and his HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra have paid little mind to this legal imperative.
Before its latest statement that “emergency” abortions must continue even if declared illegal by state laws, the Biden administration also considered using taxpayers’ dollars to cover travel costs for women seeking abortions and even offered resources helping minors receive abortions without parental consent.
Today, in a defense of federalism, Texas sued the federal government over its attempt to effectively make abortion legal in violation of Texas laws.
“The Biden Administration’s response to Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org., 142 S. Ct. 2228 (2022), which ended the terrible regime of Roe v. Wade, is to attempt to use federal law to transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic,” the lawsuit alleged. “President Biden is flagrantly disregarding the legislative and democratic process—and flouting the Supreme Court’s ruling before the ink is dry—by having his appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians must perform abortions.”
The State of Texas is setting a perfect example of the proper way to deal with the federal government’s abuse of power; rather than try to fix Washington from the inside, the states need the courage to stand up against the Biden administration’s corruption.
COS is a national movement encouraging the states to exercise their power to call a Convention of States in which they could discuss amendments to limit the federal government and return power to the states and people. Any amendment that passes out of convention would then need to be ratified by 38 states.
To curb the federal government’s massive expanse of power, sign the COS petition and get involved today!
Texas fights back against Biden’s attempts to force hospitals to violate state laws restricting abortion
Published in Blog on July 14, 2022 by Jakob Fay