Last week’s How Many More? Rally at the Texas Capitol, where thousands of Americans gathered to demand that Lone Star State lawmakers take steps to secure America’s southern border, was a huge success.
Guests heard from a variety of speakers, many of whom are on the frontlines fighting against the humanitarian crisis of drug and human trafficking that plays out in Texas every day. Speakers and attendees alike joined together in one voice calling for Texas state leadership to pass legislation declaring an invasion of our southern border, defining Mexican cartels as terror organizations, seizing cartel bank accounts and assets, and establishing a Texas Border Defense Unit to protect Texans.
As Convention of States continues to raise more awareness about this important issue, polling confirms that the American people are generally united in their concern about the crisis. New data from Convention of States and The Trafalgar Group reveals that nearly 90% of American voters say that they are concerned about the large quantity of fentanyl and other illegal drugs being brought across the southern U.S. border. This number crosses bipartisan divides with 82, 84, and 94.7% of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans respectively saying that they are concerned.
“The huge numbers of voters, from all political parties, showing concern on this issue should be a wake-up call to every politician and bureaucrat in Washington D.C. How many more Americans have to die before the federal government takes the threat of fentanyl streaming across our southern border seriously? Every seven minutes another American dies from a fentanyl overdose, and month after month we hear of no real solutions coming out of D.C,” said Mark Meckler, President of the Convention of States. “Thankfully, states are starting to step up, with the Texas Legislature now considering legislation that would allow the state to aggressively address the drug cartels free rein at the border.”
The American people cannot wait any longer for the federal government to secure our border (although polling also reveals that 87% of voters hold the federal government responsible for the crisis). We must take power from Washington, D.C., and return it to the state where real change can effectuate immediately.
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Texas border rally raises awareness about southern border crisis, demands action
Published in Blog on May 05, 2023 by Jakob Fay